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Heart Attack

The doctor sent me home to rest, he said you’ve got a broken heart causing pain in your chest. He said it couldn’t heal on its own, I asked him how when the love of my life is gone. The nurses gave my hugs trying to make me feel better All I could remember is what you wro...

Listed by Sharen A Barnes 5 years ago

FUCK YOGA! We've been friends forever. But before you were thoughtful and clever. But lately, it's been more affliction and no affection! Now we REALLY have a bad connection! Your answer to everything is the same: I've got my self to blame! For not exercising, especially y...

Listed by Lisa Lilliehöök 5 years ago
If He Treats Her Wrong

IF HE TREATS HER WRONG Pick up a shovel, dig a big hole Stand up straight, nice and tall Got shiny shoes and new watch Paying all bills each n every month But all this shit don’t mean much Only about what you do You can try to be a man Do it all day long All the w...

Listed by Xavier Burke 3 years ago
No hope

Renting a limo but I see nothing through the window I’m playing a game day in and day out there’s no time for anything right now just leave it all as is I’m walking on water I’m the next miracle I got my dogs no longer they’ll ride for my ego is bruised by a stone a long time ...

Listed by Bryan Accede 3 years ago
Easily Fade Away

There's only sadness... left in me There's no anger... you can see I've left all my... pain behind Otherwise I'd... lose my mind I lost all my... friends this year Pulled away... because of fear Afraid to look them... in the eye 'cause then I'd see... it was no lie ...

Listed by T.S. 3 years ago
Popping That Corona, written by Perfection

March 9, 2020 Popping That Corona, written by Perfection In at the crib sipping on this Corona, COVID-19 everywhere will I even be going to work to-mARAW? I don’t know what will happen I can’t tell, will there even be any toilet paper on these Walmart shelves, Coro...

Listed by Perfection 3 years ago

Start believing start achieving make me happier so proud start believing start achieving make it happen now your aloud Your bright Your loved and your kisses they guide me through with sound but I say dreams you posses they put me to a test down with...

Listed by Simona M Harper 3 years ago

When I met you I was 25, you was going on 21. I ain’t have a way, just stuck chilling sleeping at grandmas place. Staying in the streets all night, just hanging out wasnt thinking about getting paid. I wasn’t a stick up kid, Kevin Hart paper soldiers burglaries were my thing. ...

Listed by Wheeble 3 years ago
I need you baby

i like it when you call my name I feel like I belong to you all my life I know you are meant to be with me from the first second since I saw you but life was cruel to us and we had many obstacles in the end we will fly far away to another world and be happy together i l...

Listed by Vlasta Havran 3 years ago
Nothing but okay

(Verse1) I Say nothing but okay I Tell nothing even when i know I’m in the wrong way Even when you scream loud at me I hide it all inside me Like nothing happened at all You treat me like a shit bag Like I’m an old shitty doll I’m sick of it all (Chorus) I ca...

Listed by Emma loop-rock 2 years ago

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