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These Easily Fade Away lyrics by T.S. are listed for sale on our marketplace for an asking price of $100 - $1,000. Please click on the PURCHASE button below to contact the seller directly to acquire it.

Easily Fade Away

T.S. Buy


There's only sadness... left in me
There's no anger... you can see
I've left all my... pain behind
Otherwise I'd... lose my mind

I lost all my... friends this year
Pulled away... because of fear
Afraid to look them... in the eye
'cause then I'd see... it was no lie

Love can easily just... fade away
It can also make you... wanna stay
Longer than you really... should have done
Till you realize... it's all gone.

It's been hell this year... That's right, I know
A million times I... thought "just go"
I wasn't sure if... I'd survive
I didn't want to... take that dive

The loss of us... tore me apart
Drifted away... and broke your heart
You should've fought for us... and made us work
I guess that in your eyes... I was a joke

Love can easily just... fade away
It can also make you... wanna stay
Longer than you really... should have done
Till you realize... it's all gone.

So if this wasn't... just a phase
And we decide to... part our ways
Rest assure... there'll be a time
When all you feel... will be sublime

Love can easily just... fade away
It can also make you... wanna stay
Longer than you really... should have done
Till you realize... it's all gone.

Written by: T.S.

Submitted by: ts55 on April 25, 2021

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