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Easily Fade Away

There's only sadness... left in me There's no anger... you can see I've left all my... pain behind Otherwise I'd... lose my mind I lost all my... friends this year Pulled away... because of fear Afraid to look them... in the eye 'cause then I'd see... it was no lie ...

Listed by T.S. 3 years ago
Wild flower

Stay wild lil blossom child Let your flowers bloom Growing towards the glow of the Sun Up out of the Shadows Gloom My ..Wild.....Wild..... Wild... Flower Stay.....Wild..... Let the Earth Feed You and drink the Heavenly Rain Your Beauty wi...

Listed by James Ferguson 2 years ago
Heart Attack

The doctor sent me home to rest, he said you’ve got a broken heart causing pain in your chest. He said it couldn’t heal on its own, I asked him how when the love of my life is gone. The nurses gave my hugs trying to make me feel better All I could remember is what you wro...

Listed by Sharen A Barnes 5 years ago
I need you baby

i like it when you call my name I feel like I belong to you all my life I know you are meant to be with me from the first second since I saw you but life was cruel to us and we had many obstacles in the end we will fly far away to another world and be happy together i l...

Listed by Vlasta Havran 3 years ago

1 verse I reached for her this morning and she was gone. My eyes filled with tears she had left me all alone. When she left me it tore my world apart. Webster this should be the definition of a broken heart. CHOURS Webster should define a broken heart as pa...

Listed by James L Johnson 3 years ago

I hope that somebody out there Will truly love you one day Maybe more or less as I do Maybe your angels can guide you Maybe you think of us in your dreams Maybe your soul looks for love, it seems Maybe your days are too busy now Keeping yourself going somehow And...

Listed by Daniela Hlucha 3 years ago

When I met you I was 25, you was going on 21. I ain’t have a way, just stuck chilling sleeping at grandmas place. Staying in the streets all night, just hanging out wasnt thinking about getting paid. I wasn’t a stick up kid, Kevin Hart paper soldiers burglaries were my thing. ...

Listed by Wheeble 3 years ago

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    “The new marketplace is realy exciting — specifically its great networking features for artists, and the potential to sell lyrics for development.”

    Sylvia Robertson, Kentucky USA
