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Life poem

mind floods with things and sings of a possible dream that brings my heart to a place with the sound of i dont know cant say how do i show u and bring back a decent anwser and poise when noise is in the air like a ring on the mobile dial for a while when can it pause and when ...

Listed by mcdavidlee3 3 years ago

Start believing start achieving make me happier so proud start believing start achieving make it happen now your aloud Your bright Your loved and your kisses they guide me through with sound but I say dreams you posses they put me to a test down with...

Listed by Simona M Harper 3 years ago
Heart Attack

Heart Attack The doctor sent me home to rest, he said you’ve got a broken heart causing pain in your chest. He said it could heal on its own, I asked him how when the love of my life is gone. The nurses gave my hugs trying to make me feel better All I could rem...

Listed by Sharen Barnes 3 years ago
Snake eyes

This chip on my shoulders ain't nachos/ 30 round clip in tha draco/ if you still gotta count yo money then you're still broke/ cat's always claimed they got

Listed by Teng Bang 3 years ago
Livin on the Cul de Sac

Livin’ On the Cul De Sac Down at the end of the dead end street Life is cool in fact it's really sweet. The lawn chairs are out, the drinks are cold Everyone's out young and old Livin' on the cul de sac Kids riding their bikes up and down Everyone's laughing no...

Listed by Barbara Poor 3 years ago

When I met you I was 25, you was going on 21. I ain’t have a way, just stuck chilling sleeping at grandmas place. Staying in the streets all night, just hanging out wasnt thinking about getting paid. I wasn’t a stick up kid, Kevin Hart paper soldiers burglaries were my thing. ...

Listed by Wheeble 3 years ago
Poor Democracy

I shake my head at the screen As rioters lose their minds My insides boil with rage As the Capitol splits in two Violent, far-right, neo-Nazi Fighting, shooting, very bloody Violent, far-right, neo-Nazi Poor democracy Five people lose their lives All because of on...

Listed by Abdoul Hakeem 3 years ago
Mi Error

Reconozco que fue mi error dejarte ir pero tuvo que ser así dicen que las cosas pasan por una razón igual me sigo preguntando yo que hubiera sido de los dos aún te pienso al tiempo del reloj perdóname por dejarme llevar por lo que decían los demás (Chor...

Listed by Emily Villarreal 2 years ago
Frozen in Time

Don’t let all your hero’s Go out of your mind For some they’re still with us Frozen in time Now I like the slow life The fast lanes too much The old timers they’ll tell you Hey now what’s your rush Cause all the things All the things I’ve been shown What they call p...

Listed by Michael Lewis 3 years ago
I need you baby

i like it when you call my name I feel like I belong to you all my life I know you are meant to be with me from the first second since I saw you but life was cruel to us and we had many obstacles in the end we will fly far away to another world and be happy together i l...

Listed by Vlasta Havran 3 years ago

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    “The new marketplace is realy exciting — specifically its great networking features for artists, and the potential to sell lyrics for development.”

    Sylvia Robertson, Kentucky USA
