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These Livin on the Cul de Sac lyrics by Barbara Poor are listed for sale on our marketplace for an asking price of Negotiable. Please click on the PURCHASE button below to contact the seller directly to acquire it.

Livin on the Cul de Sac

Barbara Poor Buy

Barbara Poor

I have been writing poetry since the 1990's. My first children's books came out in 2015. I wrote these lyrics and I actually had music put to my lyrics which is also avaliable.

Livin’ On the Cul De Sac
Down at the end of the dead end street
Life is cool in fact it's really sweet.
The lawn chairs are out, the drinks are cold
Everyone's out young and old
Livin' on the cul de sac
Kids riding their bikes up and down
Everyone's laughing no time to frown
Here come the power wheels ready to zoom
Cadillacs and jeeps give them some room
Livin' on the cul de sac
The BBQ’s are ready to light
There’ll be burgers and dogs cooked just right
The music is loud with a little dancing
Grab your lady and start romancing
Livin' on the cul de sac
Maybe light a fire in the pit
Roast some marshmallows as I sit
Wine or beer whatever you choose
Tequila and moonshine just some of the booze
Livin' on the cul de sac
So grab your table bring out those chairs
Get out your best paper and plastic ware
The neighbors are all out tonight
Everyone's do in' it up just right
Livin' on the cul de sac
Written by Barbara Poor
July 18, 2015

Written by: Barbara Poor

Submitted on: March 11, 2021

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