
Search results for 'National Public Health Laboratory'

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c corporation is a man without a soul
He casts no reflection in a mirror
He has no purpose, only desire
He lusts after money
He kills to make a profit and rule the world

Some how everything was different
Like a new person had emerged from me
I could see myself in a perspective that I've never seen before
I could see everything around me
The world was underneath me, above me
For the first time I felt like I knew where I belonged
cnd nothing could stop me from being there
Nothing yet everything felt real
No inhibitions, no worries
I found peace

Turn off, turn off your tv
Turn off your radio
Everything is on fire
Can you hear me, come on
This thing is on fire
Breath, yes, don't let go
Everything is fire
Shut up, do you understand
Come on, go
Now we're back from the dead
Now we burn the system, the system
Everything, everything is on fire
Check it, check it out check it out
cll you got to do is just listen up
cre you ready

The president has announced a national disaster
Do not go out in public
cll civilian transportation is prohibited
Martial law is in effect until further notice, effective today
If you know of a suicide victim 
You must notify the health department immediately
cll bodies of the deceased must be burned
Banking, markets and retail have been suspended indefinitely
cll civilian travel is banned
The electrical power grid is being cut to save money
Follow all orders given to you by federal and local police
cnd now from his royal palace, his excellency, the president

I declare this nation under martial law
cll citizens must go to the nearest federal processing center for identification
Do not panic
Under no, under now circumstances should you be out in public
Money will no longer be accepted
cll financial institutions have been closed
cll bodies of the deceased must be burned
If you are in a dire emergency
You must notify the health department immediately
Those among you hoarding food and gasoline will be arrested
c national emergency has been declared
You must surrender to the police when ordered to do so
Those who do not comply will be shot

The president has announced
That martial law is in effect until further notice
Do not go out in public
cll civilian transportation is prohibited
The president has announced a national disaster
Follow all orders issued to you by federal and local police
The president has announced a national disaster
If you know of a suicide victim
You must notify the health department immediately
cll bodies of the deceased must be burned
cnd now from his royal palace, his excellency, the president

If you were not as those pricks define you
Say sorry to the gods
Define you
Wired to the hilt
If you are not how those
cnd feeling full of sin
Define you
One last request
Define you
In a perfect world
You're going to like this
The monkey puts it all together
That's all you get
The monkey puts it all together
We've been explicit, we've taken over
Here's a list of the things we'll be banning:
Owning horses, riding horses
Racing horses, horses in general
We're banning everything
We're burning everything
Sealions, national pride
Diet yoghurt, marmalade
Your unsolicited opinions
Fully-automated, non-binary, space communism
Fully-automated, non-binary, smash the patriarchy
This is for your own protection
Here's a list of the things we'll be banning:
Public displays of chauvinism
Private displays of chauvinism
We're banning everything
We're burning everything
Handshakes, gendered honourifics
National anthems, moral panic
Missionary – singular and plural
Fully-automated, non-binary, space communism
Fully-automated, non-binary, smash the patriarchy
We're coating you in marshmallow
Health and safety gone wild
Political correctness run amok
Health and safety gone wild
We're coating you in marshmallow
Health and safety gone wild
Political correctness run amok
Health and safety gone wild
Fully-automated, non-binary, space communism
Fully-automated, non-binary, space communism
Fully-automated, non-binary, space communism
Fully-automated, non-binary, smash the patriarchy
Asbestos Lead Asbestos
So they offer him a salery.
Asbestos Lead Asbestos
National health and a pension scheeme.
Asbestos Lead Asbestos
So he can lie in his bed while he bleds to death.
Hello, today’s topic is healthcare
I’ve worked in healthcare for a
Little over ten years
I got a BS in medical laboratory science
So I’ve seen a lot of things
And the public should know that
They already know that
The healthcare system is
Riddled with problems, and
It really doesn’t take care of you
It doesn’t make you better
For all the pills and procedures they do
It’s worthless or counterproductive
Or harmful you really have to depend
On natural medicine
Lifestyle practices and what you eat
To determine your health
And that’s sleeping, exercise
Mindfulness, sunshine
Positive attitude and diet
There’s probably some others in there, but
The biggest piece is diet
But it’s a full spectrum
Diet meaning no animal products
And whole grains, legumes
Fruit's, vegetables
Herbs, spices, nuts, seeds
Mushrooms and that’s it
And if you do those things, the
Natural stuff, you’ll be just fine
You’ll not need the conventional
Medical system at all
So that’s what I encourage everyone to do
Because it’s madness in the hospitals and
In general every healthcare institution
Typical healthcare institution out there
In the mainstream
So basically from my point of view
In the laboratory of a hospital where
We do all this testing and
Take care of the machines that
Do the testing on
Blood and whatever is collected
From a patient
It’s pretty much all for naught
So in an ideal world
Let’s say everyone were doing the healthy
Lifestyle practices and eating a good
Vegan diet, then everything would be
Transformed including the
Laboratory, there would be
Testing that’s beneficial, used in
A beneficial way
People would use it and determine what they
Have to do or what they have
To eat to boost their health even further
They’d be coming into the healthcare
System already healthy
They’d be looking for ways
To boost their health
And these laboratorians would be going there
With a better positive mind-frame
‘cause they know
That their work will be fulfilling
Currently it is not it’s crazy, it’s madness
There’s a great sense of
Dissatisfaction in lab workers
Healthcare workers in general
In an ideal world, it wouldn’t be like that
It would be much more rosy, it would be rosy
So if you follow the
Natural health style practices
You’ll be just fine get away from all the
Mainstream ways and live
Naturally and you won’t need
The healthcare system thank you
Lower interest rates
17 die in terrorist attack in a school this morning
New history museum is set to open next week
Public funding for the arts cut in half
Local hero's funeral has massive attendance
In the spring, national security to be doubled

No dreams last night
Woke up all right
No dreams last night
Lock me up

A group of city commuters cited for racial slurs
Post football match riot leave 4 trampled
Cost of health care has exceeded everyone's predictions
New curfew put into effect following the bomb scare
Will this be our most expensive year?
And joining us now Dr Anthony Fauci
Head of National Institute of Allergy and Infectious Diseases and member of the White House coronavirus task force
Dr Fauci it's a privilege to have you with us this morning great to see you
Thanks, it's good to be here

So with confirmed cases continuing to rise shouldn't there be some kind of intervention
A national lockdown
A requirement

Don't go outside your house
The virus is waiting
It's incubating
Stay inside
Also don't visit Grandma
She's in her late 80s 
High risk of disease
Don't kill nan

Can I ask you about that you know we've been hearing a lot 
About how the virus can affect people differently depending on their age 
And we've been seeing some younger people making riskier decisions 
And ignoring the advice on social distancing
Given that there will hopefully be a vaccine

There's no vaccine to save us
Just respirators
So if you're contagious
It goes without saying
Don't drive to Barnard Castle
It's not worth the hassle
Don't be an asshole
Wear your mask

Dr Fauci we've been hearing reports lately that there may have been attempts by the Department of Health and Human Services to have you downplay your messaging 
To the public and in some cases censor the scientific advice 
On social distancing measures
This interview is over
I don't want your excuses
I don't want blatant lies
I don't want insincerity
But I see it in your shifty eyes

Your arrogance incompetence
And desperate need for power
Your endless waste of public funds
Gets worse with every hour

You're unbelievably shittificational
Unbelievably really quite bad
Unbelievably taking the piss and all
Unbelievably bad

You're unbelievably shittificational
Unbelievably really quite mad
Unbelievably taking the piss and all
Unbelievably bad

You're totally self-centered
You care for nobody else
You're splitting up the Kingdom's Union
And destroying our National Health

You like to hide in Mansions
And luxury hotels
You even hide in fridges 
And I hope you die in hell

You're unbelievably shittificational
Unbelievably really quite mad
Unbelievably taking the piss and all
Unbelievably bad

Happy to see that Meaney Baleeny and Peggity Feeney have measles

You're unbelievably shittificational
Unbelievably really quite mad
Unbelievably taking the piss and all
Unbelievably bad
Unbelievably bad
Unbelievably bad
Unbelievably bad
Bad bad bad bad bad bad bad bad bad
Unbelievably bad
Vote me in he yelled and see if I will not eliminate corruption
Corruption, the fantastic vice that has brought about
The eruption of politicians across the nation
Singing the same old song practiced over and over
Rolling over their tongues with so much ease
Like the speech of a man that's sprung
Corruption the spectacular vice that throws Nigeria under the shadows of Dubai
With over $340 billion dollars from oil and nothing to show for it
Dubai was a $12billion dollar project which was started and completed in six years
Corruption, the exceptional vice that has become our national legal tender
An unspoken national code of conduct for public office holders
We speak from one side of our mouth how we hate corruption
Yet these words are thrown south
When we make unreasonable demands from our family members in public offices
Corruption can be described as the Nigerian dream
We look the other way because it is a national cake
Baked by the nation's natural resources

Dividends of corruption can be seen trickling down
Into the medical sector like the collector in pursuit of her debt
Lack of access to primary health care
Malaria scare not dissipating alagbos have become most patronised
Kidneys placed at higher risk due to the high-level intake of agbo
Young doctors fleeing the medical sector
At the first light of opportunity to pursue their japa dream
With only 24,000 doctors we are left with prayers the native doctors

I was young and now I'm old
I'm catching cold waiting out for the day we will celebrate
A week-long of Constant power supply across the nation
A situation that is causing rash so brash on the bodies of newborn
Restlessness so monstrous on our old ones
Children of light have taken flight to nations with light
While the rest of us have learned to abide in the dark
Accustoming our eyes to the darkness and our hands to lead the way
While our eyes fail us

Take education from them and you take their will to take action against corruption
Corruption like a tumor keeps growing and taking with it everything in its way
Quality of education keeps spiraling down the ladder
We try harder to keep it up the ladder
But no matter how hard we try it keeps falling
What happened to free education
A legacy set up by Awolowo is no more
The cancer called corruption keeps eating at every part of our economy
Yet we're oblivious and keep making accusations
At the dynamic nature of our ethnicity

Here is Nigeria, a nation rife with corruption, corrupt individuals and corrupt practices
Here is Nigeria a nation whose doctors have abandoned and jumped ship
Here is Nigeria, a nation in perpetual darkness
Here is Nigeria a nation with no investment in her future
Here is Nigeria, a nation placed in the market for sale to the highest bidder
Nigeria, a nation to sell or not to sell?
The national economies of 193 countries
Member states of the United Nations were ordered
To close down on March 11, 2020
The order came from above, from Wall Street
The World Economic Forum, the billionaire foundations
And corrupt politicians throughout the world have enforced
These so-called guidelines with a view to resolving a public health crisis
Millions of people have lost their jobs, their lifelong savings
In developing countries, poverty and despair prevail
We're told the Virus is responsible for the wave of bankruptcies and unemployment
The unspoken truth is the novel coronavirus provides a pretext
And a justification to powerful financial interests
And corrupt politicians to precipitate the entire World
Into a spiral of mass unemployment, bankruptcy and extreme poverty
The debate over coronavirus policy
There's been far too little focus on the cost of the lockdowns
It's very common for the proponents of these measures
To write articles and large studies without even mentioning the downsides
Here's a brief look at the cost of stringencies in the united states
Around the world including stay at home orders
Closings of schools and businesses, restrictions on gatherings
Shutting of arts and sports, restrictions on medical services
And interventions in the freedom of movement
Let's look at some of the mental health data
During late June 2020 forty percent of US adults reported
To be struggling with mental health or substance abuse
Of adults surveyed ten point seven percent had thoughts of suicide
Compared to four point three percent in 2018
Reported symptoms of anxiety were three times higher than they were in q2 2019
Reported symptoms of depression were four times higher than they were in q2 2019
Of individuals 18 to 24 25 point 5 percent had considered suicide
In New York alone google searches increased for phrases and words anxiety
Panic attack and insomnia
Between April and October the portion of emergency visits
related to mental health for children 5 to 11 increased by 24 percent
And 31 percent for 12 to 17 year old's compared to 2019
In late June 13 percent of surveyed respondents said they started or increased Substance abuse to cope with the plandemic
More than 40 states have reported increases in opioid related mortality
From January 2020 to March 2020 19,416 people died from drug overdose
Which is 3,000 times more than 2019 in the same quarter
That's fucked up
Okay now lets jump to the economy
The economic data in March alone
Food banks gave out 20 percent more in food than the average month
This year between 71 and 100 million people will fall into extreme poverty
About 86 million children may fall into poverty
Rate of food insecurity from 2018 to mid-2020 has more than doubled
(14 percent to 32 percent for households with children
Number of undernourished individuals may increase from 690 to 822 million
Q2 2020 GDP decreased at an annual rate of 32 point 9 percent
And Q1 2020 GDP decreased at an annual rate of 5 percent
Unemployment rate increased to 14 point 7 percent in April 2020
This is the highest rate of increase 10 point 3 percent
And largest month over month increase in history of available data since 1948
In March, 39 percent of people living
With a household income of 40 grand and below reported a job loss
The unemployment rate between February and April
Increased by 12 percent for women and 10 percent for men
Mothers of children aged 12 and younger lost 2 point 2 million jobs
Between February and August 12 percent drop
While fathers of small children lost 870,000 jobs 4 percent drop
Now lets look at some of the numbers coming from health care
At the 10 week mark of lockdown, 2 point 1 million people in the UK
Were waiting for breast, cervical, or bowel cancer screening
Diagnosis for 6 cancers on this list has declined 46 point 4 percent compared to 2018
Pancreatic cancer diagnosis has dropped 24 percent compared to 2018
Breast cancer diagnosis has dropped 51 percent compared to 2018
In Italy, cardiological diagnostic procedures decreased 56 percent
Structural interventions 81 percent
Cardiovascular disease is the leading cause of death in the US
Premature cardiovascular disease and stroke mortality costs 137 billion
In lost future productivity
Hospital financial losses will be as high as 323 billion for the entire year
Now lets take a look at the metrics on crime and some of the statistics
During the first six months of 2020 murder and manslaughter increased 14 percent
Aggravated assault offenses were up 4 percent
Motor vehicle thefts were up 6 percent
Arson increased 19 percent in the first six months of 2020
Compared to the same time the previous year
And increased 50 percent in cities with populations of a million or more
Between June and August 2020 homicides increased 50 percent and aggravated Assaults increased 14 percent compared to the same period in 2019
The national economies of 193 countries
Member states of the United Nations were ordered to close down on March 11, 2020
The order came from above, from Wall Street
The World Economic Forum, the billionaire foundations
And corrupt politicians throughout the world have enforced these so-called guidelines With a view to resolving a public health crisis
Millions of people have lost their jobs, their lifelong savings
In developing countries, poverty and despair prevail
We're told the Virus is responsible for the wave of bankruptcies and unemployment
The unspoken truth is the novel coronavirus provides a pretext
And a justification to powerful financial interests
And corrupt politicians to precipitate the entire World
Into a spiral of mass unemployment, bankruptcy and extreme poverty
Let me tell you a story that will make your stomach turn
Lacked in laboratories so the public never learns
Vivisection crimes shamefully confined
"It's science and it's progress", is the standard party line
Souls have different bodies so they get no liberty
Like Mengele's experiments in 1943
And the guilty get numb from the denigration
And devastation of God's creation
Our taxes foot the bill, give access for their kill
Drug industry's pushing poison without any guilt
They test and persecute in fear of legal suits
But a monkey's not a man, so this whole thing is a ruse
And I stand opposed to the non-humane
We band to expose their twisted brains
Disdain their brains, I'm unashamed
When side effects disease the people, you'll know who to blame
What ya gonna do (2x), people ?
Eat animals with penises day or something doesn't show up in The discordian calendar

Ah the interwebs inform me that indeed it is
National barbershop music appreciation day, which should be especially interesting to the aforementioned sister Since the last time I saw her
I gave her one of your mutual grandfather's barbershop quartet songbooks grunt old workers day
International town criers day

National beef tallow day.
Everybody's got something to say
They're pulling out their dossiers
They've really only thought halfway
But they have got a public to sway
All you've gotta do is nail your cadence
They'll put you on the national stations
With all of the other sensations
But now we've got a situation every time you lose your patience
I've got I've got my resolution
We've got we've got our execution
You've got you've got you've got to mass produce your revolution
I've got I've got my resolution
We've got we've got our execution
You've got you've got you've got to mass produce your revolution
Here we are living rag and bone
And you're living in your model home
With everything covered in chrome
Sitting on top of your marble throne
Well, isn't that a beautiful fragrance
That you'll sell to all your patrons
And then you'll make a tiny donation
But now we've got a situation every time you lose your patience
I've got I've got my resolution
We've got we've got our execution
You've got you've got you've got to mass produce your revolution
I've got I've got my resolution
We've got we've got our execution
You've got you've got you've got to mass produce your revolution
We don't get cash when we get paid
we get dental, health, and life as a trade
Everyone's telling me that no one is safe
I think I'll run away, I think I'll run away
I've got I've got my resolution
Our execution
You've got to mass produce your revolution
I've got I've got my resolution
We've got we've got our execution
You've got you've got you've got to mass produce your revolution
I've got I've got my resolution
We've got we've got our execution
You've got you've got you've got to mass produce your revolution

Then in 2006, what the president did
Is sign into law an act that exists
Solely for the deliberate sabotage
Of a perfectly good public institution

It’s called The Post Office Accountability Act
An arbitrary mandate revenue tax
That forces them to pay, way in-advance
Fifty years worth of health and benefit plans

Now their P&L’s red and they can’t invest
And they’re way in debt
And to the public eye, it’s a pretty good mess
Ripe for the picking of private sector scavengers

Then 2020 came and tried to break it’s back
But the postal workers said, you can forget all that
We’ve got a job to do, so get out of the way
And we'll show you what makes America great

We say good try, no no
When you gotta stay home, but still want to vote
Maybe even save the world as we know it
You can do it thru the U.S.
They only care about their base and the wealthy and lobbyists that fill their greedy and corrupt pockets.

The Republican Party wants to impose a national ban on abortion and they claim to be the party for the sanctity of life yet they refuse to legislate healthcare for working families, they refuse to legislate gun laws to protect students and teachers in the classroom; or protect the public from gun violence experienced in everyday life.
I discovered Facebook
In 2008
After I'd been fired for the first
And so far only time
I was at home
Licking my wounds
On unemployment
Putting the final touches
Paint and wainscoting and such
On the new basement suite
That overran its estimated cost
And left us with our line of credit
Maxed out
Allegations of child molestation
Broiled at my old work
And reached my ear
So I called the police
Even though
I worried it might just look like retribution
I was interviewed
For three hours
By a child exploitation officer
All I could tell him
Was hearsay
And ultimately
No one was charged
Because the people who
Told me things
Or who apparently told other people
Which they then told me
Didn't want to tell
Anyone else
Because it turned out
When they considered everything
They'd rather just move on
And so did I
But someone I'd hired
Who was also fired
Got a lawyer
And I figured
I'd only live once
I'd never sued anyone
So maybe I should
Give it a try
I was downloading
National Public Radio podcasts
About the US primaries
Onto the iPod my brother
Had given to my parents as a gift
And they gave it to me
After not using it for a couple years
Headphones on
Painting walls in the basement
Of our home in Canada
While thinking
My native country
Wasn't ready
To nominate
Let alone elect
A black man
Even if he was a caramel
Nerdy beanpole
And then I cried
When I was wrong
About America and Obama
I finally had a new job
And got a settlement
From the old one
That seemed hardly worth
The trouble
Then on the second day at the new job
More allegations of child molestation
That I had to say something about again
Even though the person who had told the person
Who told me
Didn't want to say anything to anyone else
Someone was asked to resign
And they did
And probably went off to find
Another job
Working with other kids
When browsers got tabs
One was always filled with Facebook
And I'd sit looking at my timeline update
With hundreds of missives
From dozens of acquaintances from my childhood
One sent me scans of every article
I ever wrote
Or that had been written about me
In high school
Including the article
I'd never seen
That graced the front page
Of the school's paper
When I was expelled
Then, in 2011
I shut down my Facebook account
I didn't delete it
It's probably still there
Longing for me in 2016
These couple days after Trump
Was elected to follow Obama
But I made a new account
Just for work
So I could manage pages
For the youth health centre
I helped to found
And the youth empowerment
Social change project
I created and ran for two and a half years
That I'm just now wrapping up
And for the youth-elder partnership program
I started after that
An employee of which
Contacted me the night before the election
To tell me a youth told her
Someone else
They'd been chatting with
On Facebook
Was talking about walking in front of a train
I didn't have any friends
On my work Facebook account
But I added the youth
Who was talking about walking
In front of a train
A couple days later
After the election
He added me back
So now
The only life I see on my timeline
Is his
Meandering on
Lying to the last breath as their faces turns blue

We keep on buying every crisis they invent
Seeing them as being of good intent
And while dream the dream we've always dreamt
We're being ruthlessly groomed by government

Public spending just so extravagant
Big strings are attached to any claimed present
So much bullying and micro-management and
When we disagree the state's gonna get violent

While you adjust to life as powerless prole
Trying desperately to stay on the state payroll
Remember it can only dish out things it plans to steal
Or what it already stole

We think that more government will make it all good
And we'll all just receive everything we should
But they're not they don't serve the poor they're not Robin Hood
They'll take your property and life like only they could

They're being open more - hardly bother with stealth
Communism isn't good for your freedom or wealth
Carbon taxes are just taxes on life itself -
So not conducive to your good health

Dependency and control
Come out with your hands up 
We've got your surrounded 
Stand up against the line there buddy 
Who dialed 999? Up against the wall there:
'This has been a Public Health announcement: 

Oh oh at the Vegetable Rumble Tonite 
Oh oh at the Vegetable Rumble...
The dopamine creates an opening
A crack in the defenses where they're focusing
They hope to rope you in without you noticing
Tell you what you oughta wear and what you're sposed to sing
Remind you what you need when you go for your groceries
Next thing you know it's showing photos of your homies
You miss em so you're reminiscing wishing you could go see
Travel ad pops up tickets for a low fee - click
Huh, look at that - how convenient
An impulse purchase spurred and then made expedient
You doubt that's by design, then I don't know what to tell ya
But I just googled some bridges and I found a few I could sell ya
Instant access to gratification
In return for your data getting aggregated and
If that fact makes you aggravated, I've got just the thing
A hit of dopamine, I know you'll gladly take it

Scrolling on that screen dopamine fiend
Everybody knows its true

Look, if you doubt that it's true
Think about all things it can do
Everything imaginable under the sun
But here we are filming people out in public coming undone
Sometimes I watch and laugh to feel better bout myself
Sometimes I just ignore it which is better for my health
Sometimes the schadenfreude gets exploited to the point that it's
A national phenomenon for all of our enjoyment
And who are we, to judge the people acting foolishly
We all exist in the pudding where the proof'll be
The ease with which it happens now is lunacy
Look at us sharing everything that we do and eat
The pain and the pleasure the rage and the weather
Small talk and politics you mix em all together
In the same spot, what do you got?
The world economic forum's annual meeting
At the end of January in Davos, Switzerland
Brings together international business and political leaders
Economists and other high profile individuals to discuss global issues
Driven by the vision of its influential CEO Klaus Schwab
The WEF is the main driving force for the dystopian great reset
A tectonic shift that intends to change how we live, work and interact with each other
The great reset entails a transformation of society resulting in permanent restrictions
On fundamental liberties and mass surveillance
As entire sectors are sacrificed to boost the monopoly and hegemony
Of pharmaceutical corporations, high-tech big data giants
Amazon, Google, major global chains, the digital payments sector, biotech concerns
Using covid 19 lockdowns and restrictions to push through this transformation
The great reset is being rolled out
Under the guise of a fourth industrial revolution
In which older enterprises are to be driven to bankruptcy
Or absorbed into monopolies
Effectively shutting down huge sections of the pro covid economy
Economies are being restructured
And many jobs will be carried out by AI driven machines
The WEF predicts that by 2030, you'll own nothing and you'll be happy
A happy smiling face is depicted while a drone delivers a product to a household
No doubt ordered online and packaged by a robot in a giant Amazon warehouse
No humans were involved in manufacturing, packaging or delivering this product
Rest assured, it is virus and bacteria free because even in 2030
They will need to keep the fear narrative alive and well
To maintain full spectrum dominance over the population
The jobless and there will be many could be placed
On some kind of universal basic income and have their debts
Indebtedness and bankruptcy on a massive scale
Is the deliberate result of lockdowns and restrictions
Written off in return for handing their assets
To the state or more precisely the financial institutions
Helping to drive this great reset
The WEF says the public will rent everything they require
Stripping the right of ownership
Under the guise of sustainable consumption and saving the planet
Of course, the elite who rolled out this great reset will own everything
Hundreds of millions around the world deemed surplus to requirements
Are to be robbed
Are currently being robbed of their livelihoods
Our every movement and purchase are to be monitored
And our main dealings will be online
The plan for individual citizens could reflect the strategy to be applied to nation states
For instance, World Bank Group President David Malpass has stated
That poorer countries will be helped
To get back on their feet after the various lockdowns that have been implemented
This 'help' will be on the condition
That neoliberal reforms and the undermining of public services
Are implemented and become further embedded
On 20 April, the wall street journal ran the headline 'IMF
World bank face deluge of aid requests from developing world
Scores of countries are asking for bailouts and loans
From financial institutions with 1 point 2 trillion to lend
An ideal recipe for fueling dependency
In return for debt relief or support, global conglomerates
Along with the likes of Bill Gates
Will be able to further dictate national policies
And hollow out the remnants of nation state sovereignty
Identity and meaning
What will happen to our social and personal identity
Is that to be eradicated in the quest to commodify
And standardize human behavior and everything we do
The billionaire class who are pushing this agenda think
They can own nature and all humans and can control both
Whether through geoengineering the atmosphere, genetically modifying soil microbes
Or doing a better job than nature by producing bio-synthesized fake food in a lab
They think they can bring history to a close
And reinvent the wheel by reshaping what it means to be human
And they think they can achieve this by 2030
It's a cold dystopian vision that wants to eradicate thousands of years of culture, Tradition and practices virtually overnight
And many of these cultures, traditions and practices relate to food
And how we produce it and our deep-rooted connections to nature
Consider that many of the ancient rituals and celebrations of our forebears
Were built around stories and myths
That helped them come to terms with some of the most basic issues of existence
From death to rebirth and fertility
These culturally embedded beliefs and practices served
To sanctify their practical relationship with nature and its role in sustaining human life
As agriculture became key to human survival
the planting and harvesting of crops and other seasonal activities
Associated with food production were central to these customs
Humans celebrated nature and the life it gave birth to
Ancient beliefs and rituals were imbued with hope and renewal
And people had a necessary and immediate relationship with the sun
Seeds, animals, wind, fire, soil and rain
And the changing seasons that nourished and brought life
We need look no further than India to appreciate the important relationship
Between culture, agriculture and ecology
Not least the vital importance of the monsoon and seasonal planting and harvesting
Rural based beliefs and rituals steeped in nature persist, even among urban Indians
Those are bound to traditional knowledge systems
Where livelihoods, the seasons, food, cooking, processing, seed exchange
Healthcare and the passing on of knowledge are all inter-related
And form the essence of cultural diversity within India itself
Although the industrial age resulted in a diminution
Of the connection between food and the natural environment
As people moved to cities, traditional food cultures
The practices, attitudes and beliefs
Surrounding the production, distribution and consumption of food
Still thrive and highlight our ongoing connection to agriculture and nature
If we go back to the 1950s, it is interesting to note Union Carbide's corporate narrative
Based on a series of images that depicted the company
As a hand of God coming out of the sky to solve some of the issues facing humanity
One of the most famous images is of the hand pouring the firm's agrochemicals on Indian soils as if traditional farming practices were somehow backward
Despite well-publicized claims to the contrary
This chemical-driven approach did not lead to higher food production
According to the paper new histories of the green revolution
Written by Professor Glenn Stone
However, it has had long-term devastating ecological, social and economic Consequences
See Vandana Shiva's book the violence of the green revolution
And Bhaskar Save's now famous and highly insightful open letter to Indian officials
In the book food and cultural studies
Bob Ashley et al
We see how, some years ago, a coca cola TV ad campaign sold its product
To an audience which associated modernity with a sugary drink
And depicted ancient aboriginal beliefs as harmful, ignorant and outdated
Coke and not rain became the giver of life to the parched
This type of ideology forms part of a wider strategy
To discredit traditional cultures and portray them as being deficient
And in need of assistance from Godlike corporations
What we were seeing in 2020, is an acceleration of such processes
In terms of food and agricultural, traditional farming in places like India
Will be under increasing pressure from the big-tech giants and agribusiness
To open up to lab-grown food, GMOs, genetically engineered soil microbes
Data harvesting tools and drones and other disruptive technologies
The great reset includes farmerless farms being manned by driverless machines
Monitored by drones and doused with chemicals
To produce commodity crops from patented GM seeds
For industrial biomatter to be processed and constituted
Into something resembling food
What will happen to the farmers
Post covid the world bank talks about helping countries get back on track
In return for structural reforms
Are tens of millions of smallholder farmers to be enticed
From their land in return for individual debt relief and universal basic income
This displacement of these farmers and the subsequent destruction
Of rural communities and their cultures was something
The gates foundation once called for and cynically termed land mobility
Cut through the euphemisms and it is clear that Bill Gates
And the other incredibly rich individuals behind the great reset
Is an old-fashioned colonialist
Who supports the time honored dispossessive strategies of imperialism
Whether this involves mining, appropriating and commodifying farmer knowledge Accelerating the transfer of research and seeds
To corporations or facilitating intellectual property piracy
And seed monopolies created through IP laws and seed regulations
In places like India still an agrarian based society
Will the land of these already prior to covid heavily indebted farmers
Then be handed over to the tech giants
The financial institutions and global agribusiness
To churn out their high-tech, data driven GM industrial sludge
Is this part of the 'own nothing, be happy bland brave new world
Being promoted by the WEF
With the link completely severed between food production
Nature and culturally embedded beliefs that give meaning and expression to life
We will be left with the individual human who exists on lab-based food
Who is reliant on income from the state
And who is stripped of satisfying productive endeavor and genuine self fulfillment
Technocratic meddling has already destroyed or undermined cultural diversity
Meaningful social connections and agrarian ecosystems
That draw on centuries of traditional knowledge
Are increasingly recognized as valid approaches to secure food security
For example, see food security and traditional knowledge in India
In the journal of south Asian studies
The massive technocratic transformation currently envisaged regards humans
As commodities to be controlled and monitored
Just like the lifeless technological drones and AI being promoted
But don't worry you will be property less and happy
In your open prison of mass unemployment, state dependency
Track and chip health passports, cashlessness, mass vaccination and dehumanization
"Ready to BREAK, THE, ICE
 Feels like time is standing still"

Now this fool been on my ass for the past couple years
Jumped on the scene from nowhere, takin out all my peers
And of my whole squad I'm the last one left
Cause for some strange reason I always stay one step ahead
Of this Agent named Red
But for the life of me, I can't figure out why my ass ain't dead
And now I clear my head, as we arrive on the site
Makin' sure, all routes for escape are sealed off airtight
Thinkin' to myself, tonight's the night
Cause I know exactly where he's going
Fuck the double-oh-seven, I'm the Living Legend
With the Goldeneye holding my rifle for assault
Aimed directly at the vault
But what happened next, wasn't even my fault
You see from the rear, a strange mist appeared
Strapped on the infrared gear too late
Because soon as it came, it disappeared
And when the smoke cleared, the package was gone
My squad searched savage 'til dawn; then had to e-mail HQ
That the knight had just captured the pawn
We swept the crime scene but it was clean, no clues left behind
So I shot back to the hotel
Had a couple drinks, now I'm back online
Not knowin that's where I'd find the next clue
It said Agent Blue, I'll meet you next
Where the stars are at they best and the sun rest too
So I headed due West
To the town where every night creates a new murder story
But stars at they best didn't mean Hollywood, but the observatory
So I cased the joint
Faced the point that I might not know if I was it
Came across the schedule of events
Next on the list to speak was the scientist
Set to unravel, new theories on time travel
Theories that my agency, already knew to be proven
I guess Red's clients was gonna try to stop us on the move-in
Now I know exactly what he's doin'
So the next day at the lecture
I came disguised as the staff director
Even ushered Agent Red himself down the aisle
And just had to smile cause he didn't even know it was me
Then I shot to the balcony where I was supposed to be
Got to the top, my heart damn near stopped
This boy left the spot
Before I could ask where did he go
I turned around lookin' down the barrel of his fo'-fo'
He was like hey yo, just follow me down the hall
And we won't have no problems at all
So I did that, slid the gat into position
Just in case he tried to make this my last mission
Walked all the way down the hallway into an empty room
Where I assumed I'd be dead
Waited a couple of seconds, turned my head
Fool puttin' down his weapons, so I did the same
Slipped my coat off, and jumped into a stance
To let this fool know he was about to get broke off
He spoke soft, said it was to death
I closed my eyes, took a deep breath, but when I opened my eyes
This fool's about to catch me by surprise
With the first series of blows
I'm up to par, I stayed on my toes
But connected with the next swing
Cut me hella deep with his ring
I looked down at his hand, damn
That's the same ones the man from the agency
Said I had around my neck when they found me
I thought he was the only one in existence
But this nigga ground me, so I held up my hand
So he could see what I saw, he stood there in awe
Dropped his guard, I took one to the jaw
But he didn't trip cause it only made us even
We stood there for a second not believin' the shit
We sat down, talked for a grip, I came up on hella dirt
Found out we was brother separated at birth
By the agency especially trained to maintain
The illusion of international espionage
By holdin' up this mirage
Everybody in the Department of National Defense got rich
Now ain't that a bitch? They say we ain't got enough ends
In the budget, for public housing education and health care
So right then and there
Me and my brother about to plan to get over on the man
Went back to the agencies and played the role
But on the under strived towards one common goal
See we both contraband in foreign lands, it'll be enough
We give a fuck, we move the shit by the truck
And the scheme worked like a beauty
So after a couple years we injured ourselves in the line of duty
And of course the agencies showed us no love
But now this is the story I tell my children
On the shores of the islands we bought
From the money we came up off of, bitch!
So over you is the greatest enemy a
Man can have and that is
Fear i know some of you are
Afraid to listen to the truth
You have been raised on fear and
Lies but i am going to
Preach to you the truth until you
Are free of that fear – Malcolm X

The fearful attitude

In the beginning, fear was a basic
Simple emotion for the human animal we
Confronted something overwhelming the
Imminent threat
Of death in the form of wars, plagues
And natural
Disasters and we felt fear as for any animal
This emotion had a protective function
It allowed us to take
Notice of a danger and retreat in time for us
Humans, it served an additional
Positive purpose we could remember the source
Of the threat and protect ourselves
Better the next time civilization depended on
This ability to foresee and
Forestall dangers from the environment
Out of fear
We also developed religion and various belief
Systems to comfort us fear is the oldest
And strongest emotion known to man
Something deeply inscribed in our
Nervous system and subconscious

Over time, however
Something strange began to happen the actual
Terrors that we faced began to
Lessen in intensity as we gained increasing
Control over our environment but
Instead of our fears lessening as well
They began to multiply in number we
Started to worry about our status in
Society whether people liked us
Or how we fit into the group
We became anxious for our
Livelihoods, the future of our families
And children, our personal health
And the aging
Process instead of a simple, intense fear
Of something powerful and real
We developed a kind of generalized anxiety
It was as if the thousands of years of
Feeling fear in the face of nature
Could not go away we had to find
Something at which to direct our anxiety
No matter how small or improbable

In the evolution of fear
A decisive moment occurred in the
Nineteenth century when people in
Advertising and journalism discovered that
If they framed
Their stories and appeals with fear
They could capture our
Attention it is an emotion we find
Hard to resist or control
And so they constantly shifted
Our focus to new possible
Sources of anxiety: the
Latest health scare, the new crime wave
A social faux pas we might be committing
And endless hazards in the environment of
Which we were not aware
With the increasing sophistication of
The media and
The visceral quality of the imagery
They have been able to give
Us the feeling that we are
Fragile creatures in an
Environment full of danger even
Though we live in a world infinitely safer
And more predictable than
Anything our ancestors knew with their help
Our anxieties have only increased
Fear is not designed for such a purpose
It's function is to stimulate powerful
Physical responses
Allowing an animal to retreat
In time after the event
It is supposed to go away an
Animal that cannot not let go
Of it's fears once the threat
Is gone will find
It hard to eat and sleep we are the
Animal that cannot get rid of
It's fears and when
So many of them lay inside of us
These fears tend to color how we view the
World we shift from feeling fear because
Of some threat
To having a fearful attitude towards life
It'self we come to see
Almost every event in terms of
Risk we exaggerate the
Dangers and our vulnerability we instantly
Focus on the adversity that
Is always possible we are generally
Unaware of this phenomenon
Because we accept it as normal
In times of prosperity, we have
The luxury of fretting over things
But in times of trouble
This fearful attitude becomes
Particularly pernicious
Such moments are when we
Need to solve problems, deal with
Reality, and move forward
But fear is a call to retreat and retrench

This is precisely what Franklin Delano
Roosevelt confronted when he
Took office in 1933 the
Great Depression that had
Begun with the stock market crash of 1929 was
Now at it's worst but what struck Roosevelt
Was not the actual economic factors
But the mood of
The public it seemed to him that people
Were not only more fearful
Than necessary but that
Their fears were making it harder to
Surmount adversity in his inaugural
Address to the country
He said that he would not ignore such
Obvious realities as the collapse of
The economy and that he would not
Preach a naive optimism but
He implored his listeners to
Remember that the country
Had faced worse things in it's past
Periods such
As the Civil War what had brought us out
Of such moments was our pioneer spirit
Our determination and resolve this is what
It means to be an American

Fear creates it's own
Self-fulfilling dynamic as
People give in to it, they lose energy and
Momentum their lack of confidence
Translates into inaction
That lowers confidence levels even further
On and
On "So, first of all, " he told the audience
"let me assert my firm belief
That the only thing we have to fear
Is fear it'self nameless
Unreasoning, unjustified terror
Which paralyzes needed efforts to
Convert retreat into advance"

What Roosevelt sketched out in his
Speech is the knife’s edge
That separates failure from success in
Life that edge is your attitude
Which has the power to
Help shape your reality
If you view everything through
The lens of fear
Then you tend to stay in retreat mode you can
Just as easily see a crisis or problem
As a challenge, an opportunity
To prove your mettle
The chance to strengthen and toughen
Yourself, or a call to collective action
By seeing it as a challenge, you
Will have converted this negative
Into a positive
Purely by a mental process that will
Result in positive action as well and
In fact, through his inspiring leadership
FDR was able to help the
Country shift it's mind-set
And confront the Depression with
A more enterprising spirit

Today we seem to face new problems and
Crises that test our national mettle
But just as FDR made the comparison
To even worse times in the
Past, we can say that what we are
Facing is not as bad as
The perils of the 1930s and the
Subsequent war years in fact
The reality of twenty-first-century
America is
Something more like the following:
Our physical environment is safer
And more secure than
Any other moment in our history
We live in the
Most prosperous country in the
World in the past
Only white males could play the
Power game now millions
Upon millions of minorities and
Women have been given entrance to the arena
Forever altering the dynamic making us the
Most socially advanced country in that
Regard advances in technology have
Opened up all kinds
Of new opportunities old business
Models are dissolving
Leaving the field wide open
For innovation it is
A time of sweeping change and revolution

We face certain challenges as well
The world has become
More competitive the economy has
Undeniable vulnerabilities and
Is in need of reinvention
As in all situations
The determining factor will be our attitude
How we choose to look at this reality if
We give in to the fear
We will give disproportionate attention
To the negative and manufacture the very
Adverse circumstances that
We dread if we go the opposite direction
Cultivating a fearless
Approach to life, attacking everything
With boldness and energy
Then we will create a much different dynamic

Understand: we are all too
Afraid of offending people, of
Stirring up conflict, of standing
Out from the crowd
Of taking bold action for thousands
Of years our relationship
To this emotion has evolved from
A primitive fear of nature
To generalized anxiety
About the future, to the fearful attitude
That now dominates us as rational
Productive adults we are called upon
To finally overcome this
Downward trend and to evolve beyond our fears

The fearless type

The very first thing i remember in
My early childhood is a flame
A blue flame jumping off a gas stove
Somebody lit i was three years old
I felt fear, real fear
For the first time in my life but i
Remember it also like some kind of
Adventure, some kind of weird joy
Too i guess that experience took
Me someplace in my head
I hadn’t been before to some
Frontier, the edge, maybe, of everything
Possible the fear i had was
Almost like an invitation
A challenge to go forward into
Something i knew nothing about
That’s where i think my personal
Philosophy of life started
With that moment in my mind
I have always believed and thought since then
That my motion had to be forward
Away from the heat of that flame
– Miles Davis

There are two ways of dealing with fear one
Passive, the other active in
The passive mode
We seek to avoid the situation that
Causes us anxiety this could
Translate into postponing any decisions
In which we
Might hurt people’s feelings it could
Mean opting for everything to be safe
And comfortable in our daily lives
So no amount of messiness can
Enter when we are
In this mode it is because we feel
That we are fragile and would be damaged by
An encounter with the thing we dread

The active variety is something most
Of us have experienced at
Some point in our lives: the
Risky or difficult situation
That we fear is thrust upon us it could be a
Natural disaster, a death of
Someone close to us
Or a reversal in fortune in which we lose
Something often in these moments we find an
Inner strength that surprises us
What we feared is
Not so bad we cannot avoid it
And have to find a way to overcome our fear
Or suffer real consequences such
Moments are oddly therapeutic
Because finally we are confronting something
Real not an imagined
Fear scenario fed to us by the media
We can let go of this fear the problem is
That such moments tend to not last very long
Or repeat themselves too often
They can quickly lose
Their value and we return to the passive
Avoidance mode

When we live in
Relatively comfortable circumstances
The environment does not press on us with
Obvious dangers, violence, or
Limitations to our movement our
Main goal then is
To maintain the comfort and security we have
And so we become more sensitive
To the slightest risk or
Threat to the status quo we find it harder
To tolerate feelings of fear because
They are more vague
And troubling so we remain
In the passive mode

Throughout history, however
There are people who
Have lived in much tighter circumstances
Dangers pressing in on them on a daily basis
These types must confront their fears in the
Active mode again and again and again this
Could be growing up in extreme poverty
Facing death on the battlefield or leading an
Army in war living through tumultuous
Revolutionary periods being a leader
In a time
Of crisis suffering personal loss or tragedy
Or having a brush with death countless people
Grow up in or with such
Circumstances and their spirit is
Crushed by adversity
But a few rise above it is
Their only positive choice they must confront
These daily fears and overcome them
Or submit to the downward
Pull they are toughened
And hardened to the point of steel
Understand: no one is born this way
It is unnatural to not feel
Fear it is a process that
Requires challenges and tests what
Separates those who go under and those
Who rise above adversity is
The strength of their will and
Their hunger for power

At some point
This defensive position of overcoming fears
Converts to an offensive
One a fearless attitude such
Types learn the value
Not only of being unafraid but
Also of attacking life with
A sense of boldness and urgency
And an unconventional approach
Creating new models instead of following old
Ones they see the great
Power this brings them and it
Soon becomes their dominant mind-set

We find these types in all cultures
And all time periods from
Socrates and the Stoics to Cornelius
Vanderbilt and Abraham Lincoln

Napoleon Bonaparte represents a classic
Fearless type he
Began his career in the military
Just as the French Revolution exploded at
This critical moment in his life
He had to experience one of the most
Chaotic and terrifying periods in history
He faced endless dangers on the battlefield
As a new kind of warfare was emerging
And he navigated through
Innumerable political intrigues
In which one wrong move could
Lead to the guillotine he emerged from
All of this with a fearless spirit
Embracing the chaos of the times and
The vast changes going on
In the art of war and in
One of his innumerable campaigns
He expressed the words that could serve as
The motto for all fearless types

In the spring of 1800 he
Was preparing to lead
An army into Italy his field marshals warned
Him that the Alps were not passable at that
Time of year and told him to wait
Even though waiting would spoil the
Chances for success the general
Replied to them, "For Napoleon’s army
There shall be
No Alps" And mounted on a mule
Napoleon proceeded to personally
Lead his troops
Through treacherous terrain and
Past innumerable obstacles it was the force
Of one man’s will that brought
Them through the Alps
Catching the enemy completely by
Surprise and defeating
Them there are no Alps and
No obstacles that can stand in the
Way of a person without fears

Another example of the type would have to
Be the great abolitionist
And writer Frederick
Douglass, who was born into
Slavery in Maryland
In 1817 as he later wrote
Slavery was a system that depended on the
Creation of deep levels of fear
Douglass continually forced himself
In the opposite direction despite
The threat of severe
Punishment, he secretly taught himself
To read and write when he was whipped for
His rebellious attitude, he fought back
And saw that he was whipped less
Often without money or connections
He escaped to the North at the age of
Twenty he became a leading abolitionist
Touring the North and telling audiences
About the evils of slavery
The abolitionists wanted him to stay
On his lecture circuit
And repeat the same stories over and over
Douglass wanted to do much more and he once
Again rebelled he founded his
Own antislavery newspaper
An unheard-of act for a former slave the
Newspaper went on to have tremendous success

At each stage of his life Douglass was tested
By the powerful odds against him instead of
Giving in to the fear of whippings, being
Alone on the streets of unfamiliar cities
Facing the wrath of the
Abolitionists he raised his
Level of boldness and pushed
Himself further onto
The offensive this confidence gave
Him the power to rise above the fierce
Resistances and animosities
Of those around him that is the physics that
All fearless types discover at some point
An appropriate ratcheting up of
Self-belief and energy
When facing negative or
Even impossible circumstances

Fearless people do not emerge exclusively
From poverty or a harsh
Physical environment franklin Delano
Roosevelt grew up in a wealthy
Privileged family at
The age of thirty-nine he contracted polio
Which paralyzed him from the
Waist down this was a turning
Point in his life, as he faced a severe
Limitation to his movement
And possibly an end to his political
Career he refused, however
To give in to the fear and the
Downward pull on his spirit he
Went the opposite direction
Struggling to make the most
Of his physical condition
And developing an indomitable spirit
That would transform him
Into our most fearless president for this
Type of person, any kind of encounter with
Adversity or limitation, at any age
Can serve as the crucible
For forging the attitude

The new fearless type

This past, the negro’s past, of rope, fire
Torture death and humiliation fear by day
And night, fear as deep as the
Marrow of the bone this past, this
Endless struggle to achieve and reveal and
Confirm a human identity yet contains
For all it's horror
Something very beautiful people who
Cannot suffer can never grow up
Can never discover who they are
– James Baldwin

Through much of the nineteenth century
Americans faced all kinds of dangers and
Adversity the hostile physical environment of
The frontier, sharp political divisions
A lawlessness and chaos that came out
Of great changes in technology and
Social mobility we responded to this
Constrictive environment by overcoming our
Fears and developing what came to be
Known as a pioneer spirit
Our sense of adventure and our
Renowned ability to solve problems

With our growing prosperity this began to
Change in the twentieth century, however
One environment remained as harsh as
Ever the black ghettos of
Inner-city America and out of such a
Crucible a new fearless type
Came forward, exemplified by such figures
As James Baldwin, Malcolm X
And Muhammad Ali but the racism
Of the times constricted
Their ability to give full
Rein to this spirit

In recent times
Newer types have emerged from inner-city
America with more freedom to
Advance to the highest points of power
In America in entertainment, politics
And business they come from a Wild
West–like environment in which they have
Learned to fend for themselves and
Give full rein to
Their ambition their education comes
From the streets and
Their own rough experiences in a way
They are throwbacks
To the freewheeling types of
The nineteenth century
Who had little formal schooling but
Created a new way
Of doing business their spirit
Fit's the disorder of
The twenty-first century they are
Fascinating to watch and
In some ways have much to teach us
The rapper known as 50 Cent
(aka Curtis Jackson) would have
To be considered one
Of the more dramatic contemporary
Examples of this
Phenomenon and this type he grew up in a
Particularly violent and tense
Neighborhood Southside Queens
In the midst of the crack epidemic of the
1980s and in each phase of his life
He has had to face a series of
Dangers that both tested and toughened him
Rituals of initiation into the fearless
Attitude he has slowly developed

One of the greatest fears that any child
Has is that of being abandoned
Left alone in a terrifying world
It is the source of our
Most primal nightmares this
Was Fifty’s reality he never knew his father
And his mother was murdered when
He was eight years
Old he quickly developed the habit of
Not depending on other people to
Protect or shelter him this meant
That in every subsequent encounter
In life in which he felt fear
He could turn only to
Himself if he did not want
To feel the emotion
He had to learn to overcome it on his own

He began hustling on the streets
At any early age
And there was no way he could avoid feeling
Fear on a daily basis he had to
Confront violence and aggression and seeing
Fear in action so routinely, he understood
What a destructive and
Debilitating emotion it
Could be on the streets
Showing fear would make people lose respect
For you you would end
Up being pushed around and more
Likely to suffer violence because
Of your desire to avoid it you
Had no choice if you
Were to have any kind of power as a hustler
You had to overcome this emotion no one could
Read it in your eyes this meant
That he would have to place
Himself again and again
In the situations that stimulated
Anxiety the first time
He faced someone with a gun
He was frightened
The second time, less so the third time
It meant nothing

Testing and proving his courage in this
Way gave him a feeling
Of tremendous power he quickly learned
The value of boldness, how
He could push others on their heels
By feeling supreme confidence in
Himself but no matter how tough
And hardened they become, hustlers usually
Face one daunting obstacle the fear of
Leaving the streets that are
So familiar and that have taught
Them all of their skills
They become addicted to the lifestyle
And even though they are likely
To end up in prison or die an early death
They cannot leave the hustling racket

Fifty, however, had greater ambitions than to
Become merely a successful hustler
And so he forced himself to face and
Overcome this one powerful fear at
The age of twenty
And at the peak of his hustling success
He decided to cut his ties to the game
And dive into the music
Racket without any connections or a
Safety net because he had no plan B
Because it was either succeed at
Music or go under, he
Operated with a frantic
Bold energy that got him noticed
In the rap world

He was still a very young
Man when he had faced
Down some of the worst fears
That can afflict a
Human abandonment, violence
Radical change and he had emerged stronger
And more resilient but at
The age of twenty-four
On the eve of the release
Of his first record
He came face-to-face with what many
Of us would consider
The ultimate fear that of
Death it'self in May
Of 2000 an assassin poured nine
Bullets into him in broad
Daylight as he sat in a
Car outside his house
One bullet going through his jaw and coming
Within a millimeter of killing him

In the aftermath of the shooting, Columbia
Records dropped him from the label
Canceling the release of his first album he
Was quickly blackballed from the industry
As record executives were afraid to
Have any kind of involvement
With him and the violence
He was associated with
Many of his friends turned against him
Perhaps sensing his
Weakness he now had no money
He couldn’t really return
To hustling after turning his back on it
And his music career seemed to
Be over this was one of those turning points
That reveals the power
Of one’s attitude in the face
Of adversity it was
As if he were confronting the impassable Alps

At this moment
He did as Frederick Douglass did
He decided to ratchet
Up his anger, energy, and fearlessness
Coming so close to death
He understood how short
Life could be he would not waste a
Second he would spurn the usual
Path to success working within the record
Industry, nabbing that golden deal
And putting out the music they
Thought would sell he
Would go his own way launching a mix tape
Campaign in which he would sell his music or
Give it away for free on the streets
In this way he could hone the hard and raw
Sounds that he felt were more natural to
Him he could speak the language of the hood
Without having to soften it at all

Suddenly he felt a great sense of freedom
He could create his own business model
Be as unconventional as he desired he felt
Like he had nothing to lose
As if the last bit's of
Fear that still remained
Within him had bled out in the car
That day in 2000 the mix
Tape campaign made him famous
On the streets and caught
The attention of Eminem
Who quickly signed Fifty
To his and Dr dre’s label
Setting the stage for Fifty’s meteoric
Rise to the top of the music world in 2003
And the subsequent creation of the business
Empire he has forged since

We are living through strange
Revolutionary times the old order
Is crumbling before our
Eyes on so many levels and yet
In such an unruly moment
Our leaders in business and politics cling to
The past and the old ways
Of doing things they are afraid of
Change and any kind of disorder

The new fearless types, as
Represented by Fifty
Move in the opposite direction
They find that the chaos of the times suit's
Their temperament they have
Grown up being unafraid
Of experimentation, hustling
And trying new ways of operating they
Embrace the advances in technology
That make others secretly fearful they let
Go of the past and
Create their own business model they
Do not give in to
The conservative spirit that haunts corporate
America in this radical period
And at the core of their
Success is a premise
A Law of Power that has been known and
Used by all the fearless spirit's in
The past and is the foundation of any
Kind of success in the world


The greatest fear people have is that
Of being themselves they want to
Be 50 cent or someone else
They do what everyone else
Does even if it doesn’t fit where
And who they are but
You get nowhere that way your
Energy is weak and
No one pays attention to you you’re
Running away from the one
Thing that you own what makes
You different i lost that
Fear and once i felt the power
That i had by showing
The world i didn’t care about
Being like other people
I could never go back – 50 Cent

The 50th Law is based on the following
Premise: We humans have
Generally little control
Over circumstances people intersect
Our lives, doing
Things directly and indirectly to us
And we spend our days reacting to what
They bring good things come our way
Followed by bad things we struggle
As best we can to gain some control
Because being helpless in the face
Of events makes us unhappy
Sometimes we succeed
But the margin of control that we have
Over people and circumstance
Is depressingly narrow

The 50th Law, however
States that there is one
Thing we can actually
Control the mind-set with which we respond to
These events around us and if
We are able to overcome
Our anxieties and forge a
Fearless attitude towards life
Something strange and remarkable can
Occur that margin of
Control over circumstance increases at
It's utmost point, we can even create
The circumstances themselves
Which is the source of the
Tremendous power that fearless
Types have had throughout history and the
People who practice the 50th Law
In their lives all share certain
Qualities supreme boldness
Unconventionality, fluidity
And a sense of urgency that give them
This unique ability to shape circumstance

A bold act requires a high degree
Of confidence people who are
The targets of an audacious act
Or who witness it
Cannot help but believe that such confidence
Is real and justified they
Respond instinctively by backing up, by
Getting out of the way
Or by following the confident person
A bold act can put people on their
Heels and eliminate obstacles in this way
It creates it's own favorable circumstances

We are social creatures
And so it is natural for us to
Want to conform to the people around
Us and the norms of the
Group but underneath this
Is a deep fear that of sticking out
Of following our own path no matter
What people think of us the
Fearless types are able to conquer this
Fear they fascinate us by
How far they go with
Their unconventionality we secretly
Admire and respect them for this we
Wish we could act more like they do
Normally it is hard to hold our
Attention we shift our interest
From one spectacle
To the next but those who fearlessly
Express their difference compel our
Attention on a
Deeper level for a longer duration
Which translates into power and control

Many of us respond to the shifting
Circumstances of life by trying
To micromanage everything in our immediate
Environment when something unexpected
Happens, we become rigid and we
Respond by employing some tactic
That worked in the past
If events change quickly
We are easily overwhelmed and lose
Control those who follow the 50th Law
Are not afraid of change or
Chaos they embrace it by being
As fluid as possible they
Move with the flow of events and
Then gently channel them in
The direction of their choice, exploiting
The moment through their mind-set
They convert a negative
(unexpected events) into a
Positive (an opportunity)

Having a brush with death
Or being reminded in a dramatic way
Of the shortness of our lives
Can have a positive
Therapeutic effect our days are
Numbered and so
It is best to make every moment
Count, to have a sense of
Urgency about life it
Could end at any moment
The fearless types usually
Gain such awareness through some
Traumatic experience they are
Energized to make the most of every action
And the momentum this gives them in life
Helps them determine what happens next

It is all rather simple: when
You transgress this fundamental
Law by bringing your usual
Fears into any encounter
You narrow your options and your
Capacity to shape events your fear can
Even bring you into a
Negative field where your powers are
Reversed being conservative, for instance
Can force you into a corner in which
You are more likely to lose
What you have in the long run
Because you also lose the
Capacity to adapt to change trying
So hard to please people can actually end up
Pushing them away it
Is hard to respect someone who
Has such an ingratiating
Attitude if you are afraid to learn from
Your mistakes, you will more than likely keep
Repeating them when you transgress this law
No amount of education, connections
Or technical knowledge can save you your
Fearful attitude encloses you in
An invisible prison
And there you will remain

Observing the 50th Law creates
The opposite dynamic
It opens possibilities, brings
Freedom of action
And helps create a forward momentum in life

The key to possessing this
Supreme power is to
Assume the active mode in dealing with
Your fears this means entering
The very arenas
You normally shy away from: making
The very hard decisions you
Have been avoiding
Confronting the people who are playing power
Games with you, thinking of yourself and what
You need instead of pleasing others
Making yourself change the direction of
Your life even though
Such change is the very thing you dread

You deliberately put yourself in
Difficult situations and
You examine your reactions in each case
You will notice that your fears were
Exaggerated and that confronting them
Has the bracing effect of bringing
You closer to reality

At some point you will discover the power
Of reversal overcoming the negative of
A particular fear leads to a positive
Quality self-reliance, patience
Supreme self-confidence, and on and on
(Each of the following chapters will
Highlight this reversal of
Perspective) And once you start on this path
It is hard to turn back
You will continue all the way to a bold and
Fearless approach to everything

Understand: you do not have to grow up
In Southside Queens or be the target
Of an assassin to develop the attitude
All of us face challenges, rivals
And setbacks we choose to ignore or avoid
Them out of fear it is
Not the physical reality of your environment
That matters but your mental state
How you come to deal with the adversity
That is part of life on
Every level fifty had to confront his
Fears you must choose to

Finally, your attitude has the power of
Shaping reality in two opposite
Directions one that constricts and corners
You in with fear, the other that opens up
Possibilities and freedom of
Action it is the same for the mind-set
And spirit that you bring to reading
The chapters that follow if you read them
With your ego out in front
Feeling that you are being judged
Here, or are under attack in other words
If you read them in a defensive
Mode then you will needlessly close
Yourself off from the power this could
Bring you we are all
Human we are all implicated by our fears
No one is being judged similarly
If you read
These words as narrow prescriptions
For your life
Trying to follow them to the letter
Then you are constricting their value
Their application to your reality

Instead you must absorb these words with
An open and fearless spirit
Letting the ideas get under your skin
And affect how you see the world do not be
Afraid to experiment with them in this way
You will shape this book
To your circumstances and
Gain a similar power over the world

In my view it is better to be impetuous
Than cautious, because fortune is a woman
And if you wish to dominate her you must beat
Her and batter her it is clear that she
Will let herself be won by men who are
Impetuous rather than by those
Who step cautiously – Niccolò Machiavelli

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