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These SLip her 8 lyrics by Freddy Capelle Jr are listed for sale on our marketplace for an asking price of Negotiable. Please click on the PURCHASE button below to contact the seller directly to acquire it.

SLip her 8

Freddy Capelle Jr Buy

Freddy Capelle Jr

1/2 Eskimo 1/2 pacific Islander

Feeeling basic, feeling needy,
but stopping just short-- of greedy,
things were frightening, cased in lightning,
sounding loud, like a clap from a thunder cloud,
Saying prayer's , askin for blessings in many layers,
Im wondering if God hear's me,
Then an angel come's near me.

-What do I want? just a happy life...
Never needing a Doctor or his knife.
Just a feeling that collapses,
like a lost man in his raptures.

I am just a lost soul,
Too much power with a lost goal.
Heading for the crypt looking for a home,
Just another homie feeling all alone,
But gotta this shit straight,
call up my girl ready to slip her 8,
slip her 8,8,8
Move that body great great great great.....
Everything better once you slip her 8,8,8,8
It's even better than some money,
Just laying there with your honey.

Now that her mind is blown, I gotta check the blocks that I own.
Making G's on the daily Hitting profits like the comet named Haley.

Work is over now time for some fun,
Gonna make that woman cum,
Slip  her 8,8,8,8 
Slip her 8,8,8,8
Slip her 8,8,8,8

And if that some shit you dont understand dont even call yourself a man.
Just slip her 8,8,8,8
After that everything good and great.

Written by: Freddy Capelle Jr

Submitted on: October 20, 2021

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