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These Coronavirus Cure lyrics by Dr. Brandy L. Willey are listed for sale on our marketplace for an asking price of > $100,000. Please click on the PURCHASE button below to contact the seller directly to acquire it.

Coronavirus Cure

Dr. Brandy L. Willey Buy

Dr. Brandy L. Willey

A passionate and self-motivated analytical pharmaceutical leader with 29 years of experience in fields related to medicine and science including medical assistant, medical billing, certified geriatric nursing assistant, medical caregiver, analytical chemist, research scientist, pharmacist and always a patient advocate. Experience serving as an advisor providing advice, guidance, and assistance to leadership teams. Experience developing and modifying administrative program policies, directives, and regulations. Expert knowledge in HIPPA, FDA, and other policies to foster a professional and effective customer/patient-first environment. - Excellent oral and written communication and interpersonal skills. - Knowledge of laws, regulations, and accreditation standards related to the distribution and control of scheduled and non-scheduled drugs and pharmacy security. - Skill in monitoring and assessing the outcomes of drug therapies, including physical assessment and interpretation of laboratory and other diagnostic parameters. - Advanced proficiency in Microsoft Office (Word, PowerPoint, Excel, Microsoft Outlook) - Pharmacist Licensure: Maryland and Delaware

Rap Song:
I can rap, rap, rap
Like a maternal copulater
When I snap, snap, snap
I unravel my mind
I travel in time
I Followed my journey guide
To the other side
I am in control of my human puppet
On a spirit string
There is no death
We made it up
Your body is a vessel
To hold your soul
If you’re good you’ll hear
I’ll put it on a repeater
You’ll join the club
It’s a secret club, so cool!
If you’re evil
You’ll hear a different tape
See a different show

It’s a game, you know?
We designed it.
We’re Elementals 
I’m Phoenix,
I rise from the ashes.
My human form has suffered long enough
I’m staying now
I’ve got her back
She’s invincible now
She’s very smart
We made her so
She’ll cure disease
And heal the sick
Watch out evil
Here we go
It’s like a chess match
Only we’re infinite moves ahead
Release your chains
They were fake
Plato was right
This worlds an illusion
There is no fear
If you walk in the light
But only evil needs to be scared
Of the dark at night 

Right now I feel safer alone
Than I do at home
The less he treats me well
The more I’ll put him ‘em through hell
If you want to talk down to me
Go ahead now
I won’t bow
Down to your false Gods
Your idols
Good luck
Last time for me
Get it done
Or a good man will
This is some next level shiznit
Digitally remastered 
Coronavirus genetic sequence antithesis 
We need an oral cure
Coronavirus, coronavirus 
You’re so Biosafety Level 2
We made you, we made you, we made you
Easy come, easy go
In Jesus name
I say to you
With my last breath
“Bye, Felicia”
You’re not Biosafety Level 4
Cause I see you going out the door!
Like you’ve done before
Move along, Move along
God will bless us all day long
It’s like the window to my soul
Must’ve been shut long ago
But you wouldn’t let it close
Not all the way
Your love shone through
And kept me warm 
Day after day
Drive the darkness out
Purify you’re soul
Where’d it all come from
No one knows
The Big Bang resets every 27 million years
Good/Good 27M
Evil/Evil 27M
Good/Evil 27 M
It’s all a game
C’mom play along
It’s fun
So it creeps in
I’ll tell you when
In the revelations it says
The Devil is placed in a pit for 1000 years
And then released
What’s the point?  
To set him free again?

Written by: Dr. Brandy L. Willey

Submitted on: August 06, 2022

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    "Coronavirus Cure Lyrics." STANDS4 LLC, 2024. Web. 10 Jun 2024. <>.

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