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These When you meet lyrics by Pooja Rajpurohit are listed for sale on our marketplace for an asking price of $10,000 - $100,000. Please click on the PURCHASE button below to contact the seller directly to acquire it.

When you meet

Pooja Rajpurohit Buy

Pooja Rajpurohit

PG in English Literature, I am Indian and passionate about lyrics.

Heart blossoms when you meet,
Got a strange feeling.
I don't know when and how,
Someone so special.

You who came so close,
Gave me a comfort.
Took away all the sorrow
For a moment's happiness.
How to say what is the condition of the heart,
It is speechless.
I got so much happiness,
That you were kind.

How time has taken a turn,
Which way may  stand.
I left all relationships and;
Walked with you.
Got your support who fought
With every difficulty.
Don't mind, I'm with you in the stand.

Heart blossoms when you meet,
Got a strange feeling.
I don't know when and how,
Someone so special.

Written by: Pooja Rajpurohit

Submitted on: October 28, 2021

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    "When you meet Lyrics." STANDS4 LLC, 2024. Web. 4 Jun 2024. <>.

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