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The First Real

Daniela Hlucha Buy

Daniela Hlucha

When you are yourself all the time
When there are no words needed for a while
Everything is said by a glance of her eye
And she lets you call her mine
When you know another day is gonna be great
Coz every day feels like the best date
She always lights up your day like a sunflower
You wanna spend each day with your lover
Sometimes you feel like it’s too good to be truth
And you promise her you will never hurt
The one who means so much
The first real love gives you so much
What if that was the only love you’ve ever had?
The only real passion that kept you so glad.
You felt so genuinely with her you know
Despite you let her go
You know you could always trust her
She is the most honest person out there
She would always love to discuss any issue
Not allowing anything to split you
But the other romance is growing and you cannot control it
You shouldn’t lie to your love and you know it
Is it possible to love two people at the same time?
Are you ever going to call her mine?
What if that was the only love you’ve ever had?
The only real passion that kept you so glad.
You felt so genuinely with her you know
Despite you let her go
You showed her how love can hurt
By letting her go without any explaining word
You know she doesn’t deserve such pain
Now you believe your new passion is the main
You’re walking a new path with the new one
You must have noticed the days are losing the shine
You feel so empty and blind
Coz this isn’t the one who should call you mine
In the silence your mind is full of soundful voice
Are you ever regretting this choice?
You know you were ignoring your inner voice
Coz this affair would never be your first choice
What if that was the only love you’ve ever had?
The only real passion that kept you so glad.
You felt so genuinely with her you know
Despite you let her go
You ruined the love and you know it
The second choice would never replace it
Hearts are crying and you have to face it
It was your choice that makes it feel so wasted
You’d do anything to take back the time
You’d do anything to let her call you mine
You’d do anything to touch her once
You’d do anything if she gave you one more chance
What if that was the only love you’ve ever had?
The only real passion that kept you so glad.
You felt so genuinely with her you know
Despite you let her go

Written by: Daniela Hlucha

Submitted by: D@niela on February 19, 2021

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