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The Fire is Burning

E Lloyd Kelly Buy

E Lloyd Kelly

E Lloyd Kelly is an Author, poet, songwriter, podcaster, and blogger. Born in Jamaica, West Indies, to Raglan and Alma Kelly. Now resides in Montreal Quebec where (when not writing,) drives a shuttle bus between campuses at McGill University.

Outside it is raining, you won't hear me complaining 
Inside a fire is blazing. Got my warmth inside and it's raging. 
Got it all locked down with pride, In Content town around me outside. 
Proud of knowing though it's raining, I can spend these many odd days in. 
So let it rain let it rain, to wash all the mess and refused things away down the drain.

Chorus. …Where I’ll just light up a fire, to burn the rubbish the dregs and the brier 
I've got my fire all the same, and it's burning out some names 
Burning -burning, red hot. The fire is burning and will not stop. 
Burning hot hot hot hot hot.
Got my family all around me, my parents would never disown me 
No, I'm not really that hungry, got me a fence all along my boundary 
I’ve got a pillow under my head, the children are laughing they're already fed. 
To the nth generation, gonna build my own happy little nation 
They won't stop me like some of them want to, trying to trap me in ignorance and wants too.

Chorus. …So, I just light up a little fire, to burn out the rubbish the dregs and the brier 
I've got my fire all the same, and it's burning out some names 
Burning -burning, red hot. The fire is burning and will not stop. 
Burning hot hot hot hot hot. (Re)
By E Lloyd Kelly © 25 03 22

Written by: E Lloyd Kelly

Submitted on: March 25, 2022

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