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These My God lyrics by Mark Haas are listed for sale on our marketplace for an asking price of $10,000 - $100,000. Please click on the PURCHASE button below to contact the seller directly to acquire it.

My God

Mark Haas Buy

Mark Haas

Dead to sin since 91.

My God I thank each passing moment, for 
pulling me through the pain and torment 
that makes me strong, that makes me wise, 
that lifts me up to brand new highs. 
Without my God, I don't exist. 
But with my God, I still persist in trying 
hard to do what's right, to reach my own 
predestined height. My spot in Heaven 
that's there for me was set aside so I could 
see that magic dream inside my head. 
The one that came to me and said that 
"I am His, I've always been, that I am 
 free from hate and sin."

Written by: Mark Haas

Submitted on: September 22, 2021

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    "My God Lyrics." STANDS4 LLC, 2024. Web. 4 Jun 2024. <>.

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