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Guyana So So Nice

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James G Paul Sr

James Paul (aka PablOGt and Jamie Pablo) is an Atlanta-based Guyanese-American poet, spoken word artist, lyricist and digital marketer. His passions are family, words and storytelling. Each story, each poem, each song is a cryptic tapestry of rhyme, rhythm and allegory cleverly woven to inspire and edutain. James can be reached via: Email @ Cell: (678) 488-6795 Web:

Guyana so so Nice 
By PablOGT (James Paul)

Guyana so so Nice
Guyana so so Nice
Guyana so so Nice
Guyana so so Nice

(V1 with hook)
Ah want to guh back to Guyana
[so so Nice...Guyana]
Back to de land of many waters
[so so Nice...Guyana]
Back to de land of mih great ancestors
[so so Nice...Guyana]
Back to de land of Burnham ahn Cheddi
[so so Nice...Guyana]
Back to de land of ole higue ahn jumbee 
[so so Nice...Guyana]
Back to de land of Jack ahn Amba
[so so Nice...Guyana]
Back to de land of Kofi ahn Quamina
[so so Nice...Guyana]
Back to mih ole house down by de river
[so so Nice...Guyana]

(V2 with hook)
Come leh we guh back to Guyana
[so so Nice...Guyana]
Guh Back fuh de labba ahn guana
[so so Nice...Guyana]
Guh Back fuh de bake ahn saltfish
[so so Nice...Guyana]
Guh Back fuh de baigan choka 
[so so Nice...Guyana]

(V3 with hook)
When lass yuh bin back to Guyana?
[so so Nice...Guyana]
When lass yuh pick douns ahn guava?
[so so Nice...Guyana]
When lass yuh play gam ahn lass lick?
[so so Nice...Guyana]
When las Yuh play sponge ball cricket?
[so so Nice...Guyana]

(V4 with hook)
Ah know how yuh miss yuh Guyana.
[so so Nice...Guyana]
how yuh miss yuh buns ahn snow cone 
[so so Nice...Guyana]
how yuh miss yuh bush tea ahn sago
[so so Nice...Guyana]
how yuh miss yuh Buxton spice mango
[so so Nice...Guyana]

(Bridge with hook)
Rememba dat breeze by de sea walls?
[so so Nice...Guyana]
Rememba dat Fort at Kyk-over-all?
[so so Nice...Guyana]
Rememba de Mighty Kaiteur Falls?
[so so Nice...Guyana]
Rememba de gold at Omai?
[so so Nice...Guyana]
Rememba de oil at Stabroek?
[so so Nice...Guyana]
Rememba dem diamonds at Orinduik?
[so so Nice...Guyana]

(V6 with hook)
Ah want to guh back to Guyana.
[so so Nice...Guyana]
Ah want to buss ah lime pon de Karna
[so so Nice...Guyana]
Ah want to ketch a ting pon de Karna
[so so Nice...Guyana]
Ah want to turn back time pon de Karna
[So so Nice...Guyana]

Guyana so so Nice
Guyana so so Nice
Guyana so so Nice
Guyana so so Nice

Repeat (optional)

V1 with hook)
Ah want to guh back to Guyana
[so so Nice...Guyana]
Back to de land of many waters
[so so Nice...Guyana]
Back to de land of mih great ancestors
[so so Nice...Guyana]
Back to de land of Burnham ahn Cheddi
[so so Nice...Guyana]
Back to de land of ole higue ahn jumbee 
[so so Nice...Guyana]
Back to de land of Jack ahn Amba
[so so Nice...Guyana]
Back to de land of Kofi ahn Quamina
[so so Nice...Guyana]
Back to mih ole house down by de river
[so so Nice...Guyana]

(V2 with hook)
Come leh we guh back to Guyana
[so so Nice...Guyana]
Guh Back fuh de labba ahn guana
[so so Nice...Guyana]
Guh Back fuh de bake ahn saltfish
[so so Nice...Guyana]
Guh Back fuh de baigan choka 
[so so Nice...Guyana]

(V3 with hook)
When lass yuh bin back to Guyana?
[so so Nice...Guyana]
When lass yuh pick douns ahn guava?
[so so Nice...Guyana]
When lass yuh play gam ahn lass lick?
[so so Nice...Guyana]
When las Yuh play sponge ball cricket?
[so so Nice...Guyana]

(V4 with hook)
Ah know how yuh miss yuh Guyana.
[so so Nice...Guyana]
how yuh miss yuh buns ahn snow cone 
[so so Nice...Guyana]
how yuh miss yuh bush tea ahn sago
[so so Nice...Guyana]
how yuh miss yuh Buxton spice mango
[so so Nice...Guyana]

(Bridge with hook)
Rememba dat breeze by de sea walls?
[so so Nice...Guyana]
Remamba dat Fort at Kyk-over-all?
[so so Nice...Guyana]
Rememba de Mighty Kaiteur Falls?
[so so Nice...Guyana]
Rememba de gold at Omai?
[so so Nice...Guyana]
Rememba de oil at Stabroek?
[so so Nice...Guyana]
Rememba dem diamonds at Orinduik?
[so so Nice...Guyana]

(V6 with hook)
Ah want to guh back to Guyana.
[so so Nice...Guyana]
Ah want to buss ah lime pon de Karna
[so so Nice...Guyana]
Ah want to ketch a ting pon de Karna
[so so Nice...Guyana]
Ah want to turn back time pon de Karna
[So so Nice...Guyana]

Guyana so so Nice
Guyana so so Nice
Guyana so so Nice
Guyana so so Nice

~ Written by PablOGt (James Paul)
(March 20, 2023)
(678) 488-6795

Notes: I wrote this song to an AfroBeat in my head in which the bass mimicked the hook.
Some words are written in Guyanese Creole aka Creolese. For example "Ah" in Creolese means "I" in English; "rememba" means "remember"; "yuh" means "your", to translate a few.

Written by: James G Paul Sr

Submitted on: March 22, 2023

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    "Guyana So So Nice Lyrics." STANDS4 LLC, 2024. Web. 11 Jun 2024. <>.

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