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These Fireproof Your Faith lyrics by Denise Harkness are listed for sale on our marketplace for an asking price of Negotiable. Please click on the PURCHASE button below to contact the seller directly to acquire it.

Fireproof Your Faith

Denise Harkness Buy

Denise Harkness

I am a grandmother of four beautiful grandchildren. I moved to Az last year. Retired from my profession of 22 years last year. I enjoy retirement but still keep very busy. I love to write lyrics and poetry and children books. I hope my words can bless someone and a singer can put music to it and hear it someday. Thank you for giving me this opportunity to share.

Fireproof your faith
Put the wall of protection around you today 
Keep the flames from overcoming you. Keep the flames away.  Have your fireproof vest on and pray, pray, pray.

Sing loud and clear,  let the heaven rains pour down and put out the flames.  Watch your fireproof faith take the fear away and all you have to do is pray.  Fireproof your faith today and stand.

Fireproof your faith by the Holy Spirit.  Run out of danger.  Run, run ,run into His hands.  He will deliver us from the smokey  danger today.  Fireproof, Fireproof your faith today all you have to do is pray. God is able, God can, just take a stand and Fireproof your faith, pray, pray, pray
Repeat 3 times

He is my healer, He is my protector and wonderful counselor.  Our limitless God.  He is who He is and He will put out all the flames. Fireproof your faith everyday just pray.  

Refine me and reshape me into who I am supposed to be.  Fireproof my faith from today until eternity.  Let it grow, let me stand until the end. Fireproof my faith and help me learn to pray, pray, pray.  Fireproof my faith make me alive.  

Feeling the threat of death with the walls of flames closing in.  You cannot run away, you cannot run away.  All you do is Fireproof your faith, stand against the flames and pray, pray, pray.

When you walk thru the fire you will not be harmed, do not be alarmed.  Fireproof your faith this day and all you have to do is pray 

Chorus 3x

Our God is able to rescue us and protect us in every way.  Run, run into His arms, do not run away.  Look the flames in the eye of danger and know you will win.  Fireproof your faith and always remember to pray.

You are the apple of His eye.  He is willing to work in your life and never go away.  Wake in the burst of dawn and just stand on His plan.  Fireproof your faith today and get on your knees and pray 

Yes we believe our God is willing but even if He does not put out the flames, our faith will stand.  The wall of protection will be around me everyday.  I know He hears my cry’s.  He is listening and whispering with love, just stand and Fireproof your faith and always pray.

Chorus 2x

Written by: Denise Harkness

Submitted on: November 21, 2020

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1 Comment
  • Fireproof
    I was inspired to write these words going through 2020. There are so many people that are feeling loss and no hope. Jobs gone, homes gone, loved ones gone and so much more. I just wanted words that would remind us no mater what happens the Lord is with us to help. Daniel 3:16-18, Shadrach, Meshach and Abednego were threw into the blazing furnace and not harmed. They trusted God and knew He would not fail them. God uses the word fire to describe his power and glory through out the Bible.

    I pray these words can find a home to music and be shared to uplift and inspire people to trust the Lord and give them hope in His love and protection. That they will be ok and God does have a plan for them.
    God bless you as you read the words and I pray the Holy Spirit will give you the music to go with this song. Thank you
    LikeReply 13 years ago


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"Fireproof Your Faith Lyrics." STANDS4 LLC, 2024. Web. 3 Jun 2024. <>.

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