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These Easter lyrics by Ger Clarke are listed for sale on our marketplace for an asking price of Negotiable. Please click on the PURCHASE button below to contact the seller directly to acquire it.


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Ger Clarke

I started writing in 2011, poetry mainly. However the first endeavour I had was song lyrics. I've written in the short story format also. Some relevant experience I have is having studied print media and journalism. Also, I worked in public and academic libraries. I'm a big music fan. Some favourites include Oasis, The Stone Roses, U2, The Charlatans and The Happy Mondays. Thanks for reading.

Have you heard all those Christmas songs?
What about this Easter one?
It's spring time
The evenings are getting brighter
Oh Easter time

Lambs are leaping
Eggs are chocolate
The clocks go forward
Palm is abundant
Oh Easter time

Good Friday is next Tuesday!
We can all now say cheers
Supersonic hit the airwaves
The debut single
She's into Alka-seltzer
Oh Easter time

It could be March or April
Cream eggs are in supply
Gigs are moving outside
There's a bank holiday
Scoop late on a Sunday night
Oh Easter time

As this song is written
On a Thursday in mid-October
It's 5 months to being born
It will be number one
Only if you can spot the rhyme
Oh Easter time

Written by: Ger Clarke

Submitted on: October 15, 2021

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    "Easter Lyrics." STANDS4 LLC, 2024. Web. 3 Jun 2024. <>.

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