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Little Girl

verse 1 little girl it seems like you have no one to talk to I'm here for you. little girl it's not your fault. don't be harsh on yourself. it's time to be strong and brave. little girl it's time to take this step. from this horror you could be saved chorus little g...

Listed by Olivier Thermitus 4 months ago
Can’t you see?

It’s not hate, rather sadness I’m not aggressive Just disappointed This emotional disturbance It’s a very big turbulence yeah I’m still the old me The beautiful soul is still inside me Can’t you see? Can’t you see? I’m tired of keeping everything to myself Co...

Listed by Sandy 11 months ago
That certain kind of love

What is it that makes me think about you, yet at the same time leaves me blue. Could it be this, that is sent from above, you know that certain ohhhhh kind of love What is it that causes this heartbeat I never knew, that runs so deep I know it's for you Could it be th...

Listed by Debra s Triggs 1 year ago
End of time

The scene is set. Sitting at mom's bedside. Holding her hand and saying goodbye.. I have learned life is short. Love your family and friends till the end. She was not suffering when she took her last breath, Happy memories flooded in of her made up words and singing her funny...

Listed by Laura J Alberts 1 year ago
Have A Good One

We Work Around The Clock We Pay Too Much For Life Were Beaten Down And Broken Their Same old Lies Spoken Blood From A Stone No Your Not Alone Forget The Grind And Have Some Fun Earned, Deserve And Has To Be Done Chorus So Have A Good One Take It eas...

Listed by Mike Case 1 year ago
The Fire is Burning

Outside it is raining, you won't hear me complaining Inside a fire is blazing. Got my warmth inside and it's raging. Got it all locked down with pride, In Content town around me outside. Proud of knowing though it's raining, I can spend these many odd days in. So let i...

Listed by E Lloyd Kelly 2 years ago
The Presence of Angels

Johnny wiped the dust off the glass, Let out a gentle sigh and wiped a tear away from his eye. Smiles that hid a thousand tales, hiding losses, broken dreams, when life was torn apart at the seams. Janey remembered her mother’s voice as if it were yesterday. ...

Listed by Keith John McKee 2 years ago
The dirt road

The dirt road Driving around this old dirt road once again man this ole road we’ve been through some shit. I wonder what it say back. It say hey ole son I’ve you cry and that’s alright. Saw you going a little to fast and going slow Hey buddy I just want you know I’ll...

Listed by Bailey williams 2 years ago
When you meet

Heart blossoms when you meet, Got a strange feeling. I don't know when and how, Someone so special. You who came so close, Gave me a comfort. Took away all the sorrow For a moment's happiness. How to say what is the condition of the heart, It is speechless. I got s...

Listed by Pooja Rajpurohit 2 years ago
Watching the Wind Go By

A thousand shards of universe are flooding in my ears So many skies are falling I don't know where to send my tears And more shards keep on coming, the world is crumbling through the years And we are falling too, falling through And I'm just standing here, talking to the...

Listed by Daniel Medeiros 2 years ago

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