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These Life lyrics by Dylan Charbonneau are listed for sale on our marketplace for an asking price of Negotiable. Please click on the PURCHASE button below to contact the seller directly to acquire it.


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Dylan Charbonneau

I’ve always been passionate about music and the art of the human soul and the way we express it and that’s what music is. Some of the best artists have expressed themselves with their soul and used music as a gateway to bring their spirit out. I’ve been writing music since covid 19 broke out in 2020 and had to find ways to pass the time and I couldn’t think anything better to pass the time.

Love was so easy
No complications
Just black and white
But here I am

But I was so trusting 
No more then you are
I wish I was here now 
Drinking my sorrows 

Times are tough 
Estranged and elusive 
So cold and empty 
Here I am now

Thought you were so trusting
No more then me now
No more caring
No more feelings

Where have the times gone?
So lost and lonely
Don’t see myself now 
How did it get here?

I am so trusting
No more then you now
Here I am now
Cold and empty
So dead and lifeless
Wish I felt more feelings

Written by: Dylan Charbonneau

Submitted on: June 17, 2023

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    "Life Lyrics." STANDS4 LLC, 2024. Web. 1 Jun 2024. <>.

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