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How Do You Know?

Patrick Pierce Buy

Patrick Pierce

My name is Patrick B. Pierce, I am a writer by gift. My lyrics/writing have been inspired by life. I have used my writing skills as a tech writer for a well known insurance company. I have been successful in writing well thought out verses and chorus that can reach many. My goal is to leave a legacy, see the sick in spirit saved and well again.

Verse #1
Hello, I just called just to see how you was doing, haven’t heard from you in a while.
The last time I seen ya, you was kneeling in the church aisle, crying out loud, 
Asking God why, and asking God how, 
You left your tears at the altar, grabbed your bible and walked out.
It was the last time I looked upon your face, 
So why must now, you hang your head in disgrace, 
I know you feel discourage, used and abused and somewhat misplaced, 
Could it be you been making the same mistakes or could it be just the patience to wait,
Wonder if God ever hears you when you pray, 
And the issues of life got you stressed in the worse way,
The rent is due Friday and its 7pm Thursday, 
Your wife walked out man, and it’s your birthday, 
The doctor called back with the results from your x-ray, 
Needs you back in the office the very next day, 
So let’s see the reports what tha reports say (pause) “Cancer?” 
Maybe this is too heavy for Sunday, but God has a word and I just stopped by to say.

Chorus (2x’s)
How do you know if he’s a healer, if you never been sick,
How do you know if he’s a provider, never been backed up on your rent.
How do you know if he’s a comforter, and nobody walked out your life,
How do you know if he’s a protector and there’s no enemy to fight.	
How do you know (how do you know-o) How do you know (how do you know-o)
How do you know (how do you know-o) How do you know

Verse #2
So tell me can you capture, picture what I’m saying, 
I know how it feels to be walking the floors pacing, 
I know how it feels to be coming apart and breaking, 
Tearing at the seams and it seems you never make it, 
Heads bow down with knees bent praying, 
And I don’t need a sermon; I need to know what God is saying, 
So please, spare me the seven steps to get a Mercedes, 
All I want to know is if you heard from God lately, 
Patiently waiting, do you receive what he’s saying? 
He’s knows about the promotion at the job you didn’t get, 
Promotions comes from him, so child don’t sweat it, 
He’s know about the pressures that you face with your kid, 
And he knows about that illness that threatens you to live
He knows what you’ll receive and what you won’t get, 
He knows about the tears that you shed at the altar, 
And he’s knows about the pain from the absence of your father, 
He knows about your sacrifices,
He knows about your losses,
Knows exactly how much money is in your wallet, 
Knows about the secrets you have hidden in the closet,
He knows you, and the womb that he put you in
But I got a question, do you really know him?

Chorus (2x’s)
How do you know if he’s a healer, if you never been sick,
How do you know if he’s a provider, never been backed up on your rent.
How do you know if he’s a comforter, and nobody walked out your life,
How do you know if he’s a protector and there’s no enemy to fight.
How do you know (how do you know-o) How do you know (how do you know-o)
How do you know (how do you know-o) How do you know

Written by: Patrick Pierce

Submitted on: August 21, 2020

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