Cyrus649's comments

Here's the list of comments submitted by Cyrus649  —  There are currently 2 comments total.
Looking for a song, a female artist playing mostly by a guitar. (If I remembering correctly.) She have a lazy day, she goes to a friend house but they don't get off till 5 or so. She endings up play music with waiting. Sorry this isn't much to go on. 

1 year ago

Looking for a song, a female artist playing mostly by a guitar. (If I remembering correctly.) She have a lazy day, she goes to a friend house but they don't get off till 5 or so. She endings up play music with waiting. Sorry this isn't much to go on. 

1 year ago


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"Is this love...? That I'm..." (complete the missing lyrics)
A Feeling
B Dreaming
C Leaving
D Believing

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