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Life poem

mind floods with things and sings of a possible dream that brings my heart to a place with the sound of i dont know cant say how do i show u and bring back a decent anwser and poise when noise is in the air like a ring on the mobile dial for a while when can it pause and when ...

Listed by mcdavidlee3 3 years ago
White collars need a bath

“Well there’s a few white collars you can hear me hollar could use a bath or two” “Hear no evil see no evil speak none well alright” ”Try as I may & try as I might I just can’t get it right” “But there’s a few white collars you can hear me hollar shouldn’t get no bail tonig...

Listed by M Lewis Braun 3 years ago
Have A Good One

We Work Around The Clock We Pay Too Much For Life Were Beaten Down And Broken Their Same old Lies Spoken Blood From A Stone No Your Not Alone Forget The Grind And Have Some Fun Earned, Deserve And Has To Be Done Chorus So Have A Good One Take It eas...

Listed by Mike Case 1 year ago
Little Girl

verse 1 little girl it seems like you have no one to talk to I'm here for you. little girl it's not your fault. don't be harsh on yourself. it's time to be strong and brave. little girl it's time to take this step. from this horror you could be saved chorus little g...

Listed by Olivier Thermitus 3 months ago
Frozen in Time

Don’t let all your hero’s Go out of your mind For some they’re still with us Frozen in time Now I like the slow life The fast lanes too much The old timers they’ll tell you Hey now what’s your rush Cause all the things All the things I’ve been shown What they call p...

Listed by Michael Lewis 3 years ago
We were riding high

We Were Riding High We were on a Colorado high! The top was down and the wind was in our hair. The sun was on our faces. There was joy and giggles. We felt like We could live forever. But then I found myself alone on long country road. The wind and the dust were blowing. ...

Listed by Tom Shirk 1 year ago

1 verse I reached for her this morning and she was gone. My eyes filled with tears she had left me all alone. When she left me it tore my world apart. Webster this should be the definition of a broken heart. CHOURS Webster should define a broken heart as pa...

Listed by James L Johnson 3 years ago
Guyana So So Nice

Guyana so so Nice By PablOGT (James Paul) (Intro/Hook) Guyana so so Nice Guyana so so Nice Guyana so so Nice Guyana so so Nice (V1 with hook) Ah want to guh back to Guyana [so so Nice...Guyana] Back to de land of many waters [so so Nice...Guyana] Back to de la...

Listed by James G Paul Sr 1 year ago
Not Done Yet

So many years you and I We had no clue when we said let’s give it a try We were both pretty young when we decided on this Was it our first encounter, that special first kiss? All I know is we’re so far from being done Our love is so strong we’ve got this one Our lo...

Listed by Barbara Poor 3 years ago
The Fire is Burning

Outside it is raining, you won't hear me complaining Inside a fire is blazing. Got my warmth inside and it's raging. Got it all locked down with pride, In Content town around me outside. Proud of knowing though it's raining, I can spend these many odd days in. So let i...

Listed by E Lloyd Kelly 2 years ago

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