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I'll never leave me

Yeah, yeah I’ll be here watching you through the window The only memory of you would be your shadow Yeah, do me a favour Don’t slam the door Cos I’m still alive Observe my demeanour I’m a smash bird to the core And that isn’t a lie No, no, no, no Yeah No, no,...

Listed by Sandy 11 months ago
That certain kind of love

What is it that makes me think about you, yet at the same time leaves me blue. Could it be this, that is sent from above, you know that certain ohhhhh kind of love What is it that causes this heartbeat I never knew, that runs so deep I know it's for you Could it be th...

Listed by Debra s Triggs 1 year ago
Easily Fade Away

There's only sadness... left in me There's no anger... you can see I've left all my... pain behind Otherwise I'd... lose my mind I lost all my... friends this year Pulled away... because of fear Afraid to look them... in the eye 'cause then I'd see... it was no lie ...

Listed by T.S. 3 years ago
The First Real

When you are yourself all the time When there are no words needed for a while Everything is said by a glance of her eye And she lets you call her mine When you know another day is gonna be great Coz every day feels like the best date She always lights up your day like...

Listed by Daniela Hlucha 3 years ago

When I met you I was 25, you was going on 21. I ain’t have a way, just stuck chilling sleeping at grandmas place. Staying in the streets all night, just hanging out wasnt thinking about getting paid. I wasn’t a stick up kid, Kevin Hart paper soldiers burglaries were my thing. ...

Listed by Wheeble 3 years ago
I am grateful to you

The Earth and the Sky exist because of our Love Night turns to day because of our Love Its Raining happiness All my dreams fulfilled because of our Love “You are my God don’t ever leave me.” Bless me with this grace and bring peace to my heart. O Lord, I am grateful...

Listed by Giftson Kannamplave 3 years ago

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    “The new marketplace is realy exciting — specifically its great networking features for artists, and the potential to sell lyrics for development.”

    Sylvia Robertson, Kentucky USA
